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Psychological Health

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seabet app download Source: seabet app download Information Propaganda Center Click: Time: June 05, 2021 14:51

At 2:30 pm on June 2, 2021, at classroom 212 classroom at Block B Teaching Building in the New Campus of Zhongnan University,The School of Computer has carried out the graduate tutor for the college、Class instructor's student psychological crisis intervention theme training lecture。This lecture was chaired by Counselor Liao Yiyi,Invited the psychological seabet sports betting seabet online sports betting counseling teacher from the University Student Mental Health Education Center of Central South University -Teacher Tan Xin for training。

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Teacher Tan Cong"Understand students、Identification of Symptoms and Mastering Technology "",Discuss how to deal with the psychological crisis in the students,Calling teachers to understand some psychological problems that students may exist,Emphasizing the importance seabet app download of mentor in promoting seabet sports betting seabet online sports betting the healthy development of students。

Then,Teacher Tan introduced the concept of psychological crisis,Quoting a reality case illustrates the important impact of psychological crisis on students' mental health。Current,Some problems that have caused abnormal psychological conditions of college students are mainly in love、Dormitory Questions、Career planning Questions。Teachers need to follow the specific seabet sports betting seabet online sports betting seabet casino review situation,Three levels of distinguishing psychological problems,is general psychological problems,Severe psychological problems and suspected psychological abnormalities,Different problems,Provide students with corresponding help。Teacher Tan wants to pass training,Teachers can master some technologies to deal with students' psychological crisis,By creating a warm atmosphere,seabet mobile Establish seabet app download an effective communication method,Help students develop healthily and grow up。

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Last,Counselor Liao Yiyi summarized。I believe through this training,Mandrers can detect abnormal psychological status of students in time,Caring for students' mental health,Help students solve mental health problems。So far,This lecture was successful in success。

Reporter: Liang Sitian

Photography: Qin Wei

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