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Psychological Health

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Source: Heart Assistance Meeting Click: Time: November 02, 2021 11:57

To ensure students' mental health,Improve students' psychological quality,Let the psychological knowledge enter the campus,October 30, 2021,Computer College Heart Assistance Club 321,322 classrooms carried out "Knowledge seabet mobile seabet casino review Companion,Campus Psychological Knowledge Competition with the theme of consciousness ",Students of the School of Computer School actively signed up for this competition,Monitoring of members of the Computer School of Heart Assistance。

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This time during the competition,Strictly implement strict epidemic prevention measures。The staff and participants who enter seabet mobile seabet app download the venue need to wear a mask,Temperature measurement、Disinfection。First,Announced the rules of the examination room by the proctor,Check the identity of the reference staff。At 7 o'clock in the evening,The game officially started。The atmosphere of the test room is serious,Players Fen Book,Inspector inspection in the examination seabet sports betting seabet sports betting room,Supervision Examination Room Discipline,Maintain the order of the test room,Make sure the competition is fair。

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8:40,The Psychological Knowledge Contest of the School of Computer School of Central South University is officially ended。This time I hope to be through the form of the competition,Let students learn psychological seabet casino review knowledge in the process seabet app download of preparing the competition,Help improve everyone’s psychological quality,Let everyone pay more attention to psychological health,Use these psychological knowledge to help yourself also help others,Create a harmonious campus atmosphere。

Copywriter: Zhang Hanqiao Liao Yiyi

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