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Source: Heart Assistance Meeting Click: Time: November 17, 2021 17:49

10 am on November 14, 2021,The Psychological Mutual Assistance Association of the School of Computer Academy was held at the new campus A319,The main purpose of this meeting is to enhance the seabet online sports betting understanding of members' heart assistance,Promote the understanding between members,Discuss seabet mobile related matters related to the Fifth Campus Psychological Knowledge Contest of Central South University。All members of the Heart Assistance Meeting of the Computer Academy participated in this meeting。

This meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Heart Assistance Association,First explanation of the construction of the heart assistance meeting、Composition and work standards,She seabet casino review emphasized to the new members: as a member of the Heart Assistance,We must actively learn to obtain psychological knowledge,Actively spread psychological health knowledge,Follow the mental health status of classmates around you。

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Then,Each member has introduced itself,Four students participated in the "Snowball" mini -game,The atmosphere of the venue is very relaxed seabet casino review and happy。Last,The Minister of the Activity Department briefly describes the expected process of this final。Three students participated in the simulation test of the competition rules,Everyone actively discuss,I have made improvement suggestions for the competition system。

The convening of this meeting,Promoting communication between members of various departments,Deepen the seabet online sports betting understanding of members' understanding of "mutual help",It also strengthened the sense of responsibility and mission of students,laid a solid foundation for future cooperation。

Writer: Psychological Mutual Assistance Meeting of Psychological Mutual Assistance at the School of Computer AcademyFan ChichenLiao Yiyi

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