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Psychological Health

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Source: Click: Time: March 21, 2024 18:10

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 15:00 pm,Psychological Mutual Association of Psychological Mutual Association seabet online sports betting seabet sports betting of Computer Academy held a psychological knowledge training meeting at 108 in the new campus information building,Bai 22、Level 23 All psychological committee members and dormitory chiefs for training。Deputy Secretary of the College Party Committee Wang Xinhui,Lei Hong,Teacher Ma Xiaohong,Heart Assistance Teacher Yuan Yi attended the event。This event aims to cultivate and improve the ideological consciousness of psychological members and dormitory chiefs of various classes,Make it with basic self -control and ability to help others,It is convenient seabet online sports betting seabet mobile for the development of the college's related psychological work。

At the beginning of the event,Secretary Wang and Director Director delivered a speech,Expressed the high attention to psychological work,Certainly encourage psychological members to care more about the psychological state of the students。and then,Teacher Yuan also put forward the view of psychological work from personal experience,I hope that the psychological members and the dormitory chief can study relevant knowledge carefully,and conscientiously implement responsibility,Actively seabet sports betting seabet mobile cooperate with the psychological work of the college。

Then,Teacher Ma Xiaohong began to explain psychological knowledge。Teacher Ma first talked about the views and feelings of psychological counseling as a psychological counselor,Let students have a preliminary understanding of psychological work,Then from why (why is the psychological helping person)、What (what do you do with psychological mutual assistants)、WHEN (when you need psychological helping) and how (how to carry out psychological helping people) and other aspects of scientific introduction to common seabet casino review seabet app download psychological problems and their external performance,The importance of psychological mutual assistance work through specific data and previous examples。

At the end of the lecture,Teacher Ma gives suggestions: "The necessary for help is the choice of the strong,Everyone can only be responsible for their own lives ",Encourage students to face frustration and difficulties with an optimistic attitude。

Last,Chairman of the Heart Assistance Song Zhongxing for the work report of this semester for all heart committees and dormitory chiefs,and seabet mobile summarize seabet sports betting this event,I hope that students here can actively cooperate with psychological work,Create a positive and healthy college atmosphere。

So far,This psychological knowledge training will be successfully concluded。This activity gives each psychological member and the dormitory chief about psychological work,I learned a lot of related knowledge。As Secretary Wang said: "The most beautiful thing,Is the mind。"I hope this training meeting,Everyone can invest in psychological work with fuller enthusiasm,Through our efforts,Copy seabet online sports betting seabet sports betting changes to the college,seabet online sports betting Send warmth and happiness for more students。

Writer: Chen Youxun

Instructor: Yuan Yi

First trial: Yuan Yi

Second Trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

Time: March 21, 2024

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