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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: December 20, 2021 14:54

Each gradeClass, counselor, and class instructor

This semester has entered the final exam stage,To promote the school style、Costustible style、Correct test wind,Strict executionMinistry of Student and Industry "Effectively do a good job in the end of the final exam integrity education"Notification Requirement, eliminate test fraud phenomenaMake sure the seriousness and fairness of the exam,Please carry out the examination integrity seabet app download seabet online sports betting education work in all grades。Notify the relevant matters as follows:

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1. Exam Integrity Education.

EachGradeActively do a good job of online and offline integrity education and propaganda,Students carry out solid and effective educational guidancePromote students to enhance the consciousness of integrity test,Consciously abide by the examination discipline,Develop integrity character,Formed the glory of the integrity test in the whole hospital、Make a shameful public opinion atmosphere。

Students must be organized in all gradesHold in the form of grade conferences, theme classes, etc."Integrity Education" special meeting,Organize students to watch the "Integrity Education Propaganda Movie" produced by the Ministry of Industry and Industry,SeriousStudy on the "Central South University Student Examination Rules" and "Regulations on Disciplinary Action of Student Students in seabet app download seabet online sports betting seabet app download Central South University",Combined with cases to do a good job of warning education。Help students understand betterSchool,The rules and regulations of the college,Consciously maintain a good test style,Enhance the strong consciousness of obeying the examination discipline。

2. Disciplinary education.

Determine students"You must place a communication tool for the designated area of ​​the test room before the test.,Don't bring it with,The Ministry of Education and Industry will organize inspections,After the students are placed and returned to the test seat after the students are placed,Students should take the initiative to cooperate with the inspection "。

Determine students"Do not clip the exam -related information,The camera in the examination room can be high -definition to restore the test room site,The school has arranged for the monitoring teacher to monitor the examination room in the monitoring room。”

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1. Supervise students to review preparation。Education and guidance of students in all grades will mainly invest in the review preparation,Test a preparation and test。To further strengthen the inspection of the final style of the final period,Implement the counselor's dormitory visit,Frequent deeper student classroom、Dormitory,Caring for students' learning、Life,Make individual conversations for the focus of concern to students,Carry out patient and meticulous ideological and political education and psychological counseling work,Review students with peace of mind,Calmly welcome the exam。

2. Caring for students in helping academic difficulties。Each grade must strengthen communication with teachers,Know in time、Follow the learning situation of students in students difficulties,Talking through psychological guidance,Analysis of the seabet app download seabet online sports betting reasons for the backwardness seabet casino review of academic backwardness with students with academic difficulties,Implementation Classification Guidance,Set reasonable learning goals,Help them overcome learning disabilities,Correct learning attitude,Gradually improve learning status。

3. Give full play to the leading role of outstanding students。Each grade must organize outstanding student party members、Students' backbone and academic difficulties to carry out pairing assistance activities,Provide learning adaptation for students of academic difficulties、Learning method、Systems in academic counseling,Guide students with academic difficulties to form a learning strategy that suits them,Help them pass the exam smoothly。

Student party members and backbones must take the lead in making a promise of integrity test,Consciously abide by the examination discipline,Obief of the Monitoring Teacher Arrangement,seabet app download Active influence and drive the seabet casino review surrounding students to treat the exam correctly,ComplianceSchool,The rules and regulations on the exam of the college.

3. Strengthen the management of the examination link

During the exam,Counselor, Class instructorTo understand the order of the test room and the student exam status in time,Try to eliminate all kinds of bad tendencies and cheating signs,Eliminates the test violation of the exam、The occurrence of cheating。To do a good job of student violations of discipline,If you correct the students on the desktop、Drawls and other non -specified positions Place mobile phone and other prohibited items,Avoid disciplinary violations caused by students' negligence。It is necessary to deal with the disciplinary incident in the examination room in time,Properly deal with emergencies,Do a good job of students' ideological work。

Strengthening integrity education,Eliminate cheating phenomena,Reasonable testing seabet casino review wind、Learning style、Courtyard seabet sports betting style and students grow into talents。Each grade must be responsible for students,Careful strengthening examination discipline education,Guide students to establishIntegrity should be examined,Fraud behavior,Effective supervision,Eliminates the test violation of the exam、Fraud behavior,Jointly promote our college to learn style、Courtyard Construction。

  Student Work Office of the School of Computer School of Central South University


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