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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: March 08, 2022 21:34

Each grade and various classes:

March 4, 2022,Fifth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference opened in Beijing,March 5, 2022,The Fifth Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress was held in Beijing。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,The Party Central Committee seabet sports betting with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core promotes historic achievements in the party and the country's cause、Historical changes occurred,Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation into an irreversible historical process。National Two Sessions held at the new key node,Based on a new starting point of a century -old party history,Fighting in the new era of ten years of new leap,Looking forward to create a new situation in the future,Significant task,Extreme meaning。

As a contemporary college student,We must fight for ideals、There is a identical、A new era youth with a responsible,Actively learn the content of the two sessions、League of the spirit of the two sessions,In -depth understanding of its content,Clarify the trend of national development,Combined with your own situation,closely combining its own destiny with the country's destiny。

seabet casino review Currently when the National Two Council is held,The Youth League Committee of the College decides to organize the 17th Houde Practice of Central South University under the guidance of the school's party committee, work and work committee· Meiling Jingshi Forum series activities,Now announced the event plan and recruits the lecturer and host of the recruitment forum from the computer college。Related matters are as follows:


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"Review the hot spots of the two sessions, condense youth power"



(1)Online learning punching activity

Online Learning PickupDuring the event, eachClass needs to be posted activelyopinions and perceptions on the hot spots of the two sessions on the same day,The Youth League Committee of the College will publicize the content of the perception of each class,and comprehensive network praise and content quality selection and seabet mobile rewards (please refer to the specific plan of online learning punching activitiesAnnex1)。


(2)The keynote speech activity

1、Online preliminary selection:

Participants: At least selected for each class1The participation of the party activists in the party, at least recommended by various party branchesThe latest development of party members participated in the latest period of development. (Note: Grade 21NoEntrepreneurship activists, encouragementHasStudents who submitted the application for the partyPositiveRegistration. )

Speech Topic: This speech is"Condensing youth forces, I will give suggestions for the two sessions"The theme,In -depth understanding and learning the content of the two sessions,Tightly connect your own destiny with the development route of the country,and combined with the spirit of the two sessions to put forward their views on national policies and the hot spots of the two sessions。

Lector: All students seabet casino review who participated in the lecture submit personal application forms onlineAnnex2, speech and speechPPT (The content of the speech is controlled in 5-10 minutes,All materialsSubmit to the mailbox in the form of a compressed,Email title and compressed package naming format:Name+Meiling Forum speech material), CollegeLeague CommitteeAccording to the submitted speech andPPT select 4-5 outstanding players to participate in the second round of activities,Online submission deadline is March 17Day23:59。

Host: All students seabet casino review who participated in the host of the host submit a personal application form (Annex2) and a self -introduction short video.

Note: The theme speech activity is an important assessment content seabet casino review for active elements and development party members,For actively participating party activists, when selecting and developing party memberswillPreferred consideration


2、offline speech:

Online selection resultsannouncedPost -willAn offline speech, and the relevant leaders of the college will be invited at that timeTeacherattended.

Speech time:March 19, 2022 (please refer to the notification)

Location: New Campus Information Building5th floor lecture hall


This forum aims to provide you with a learning exchangePlatform,Give full play to the leading role of the Youth League Committee,Improve students' thoughtsPolitical literacyhelp everyone implement it deeplyTwoWill spirit,and closely combined with your own destiny,Drawing subjective capacity,To enhance the sense of responsibility and identity in the motherland,Hope students actively sign up to participate in


Three, participation rewards:

Students who participated in this forum lecture were reviewed by the Youth League Committee of the College:

1. Issuing relevant certificates and exquisite prizes;

2, the participation of the event willAs an important assessment content seabet casino review for active elements and developing party members。


The Youth League Committee of the School of Computer School of Central South University

March 8, 2022


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