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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: April 01, 2022 10:04

According to the "Sixth seabet online sports betting seabet online sports betting Session of the Organization for Organization12249_12273,The Youth League Committee of the College conducts a preliminary review of the application work,It will be announced by the recommended works to participate in the review。If you have any objections, please be on April 317: 30 Before the real -name reaction of the written documentation, it reacted toInformation Building119, no more appeal after the publicity period expires.

Project name

Project grouping

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Contact number

Based onLSTM-GNN undergraduate research teaching platform

a. Scientific and technological innovation and future industry

Xie Qi


Health, Guo Kehua

Coco-Video Video Portrait System

c. Urban governance and social services

Fan Jiayu


Wang Jianxin, Long Jun

Scientific picture processing platform based on deep learning and overall nested edge detection

a. Scientific and technological innovation and future industry

Zheng Ziang


Zhang Yongmin, Zhang Deyu

"Habing and Pavilion" -The university students seabet sports betting alone in space sound insulation pavilion O2O service

c. Urban governance and social services

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Xiao Jianyu, Zhu Chengzheng

Mutual Rong Chinese Bridge-An immersive network language community based on the construction of Rong Media

E. Cultural and creative and regional cooperation



Li Xinghui, Liu Lingwu

Huading Medical—The auxiliary decision -making diagnosis and treatment system for lung disease

a. Scientific and technological innovation and future industry

Hou Yazin


Wu Jia, Kui Xiaoyan, Chen Zhigang

"Mutual Home" Green Road Studio

d. Ecological environmental protection and sustainable development

Zhan Qianyun


Chen Zailiang

Smart Farm Tea—— Tea Industry Smart Butler

b. Rural revitalization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas

Zhang Yibin


Tang Zhe, Liu Yifeng

Easy diagnosis- AI pneumonia auxiliary diagnostic system based on image recognition and deep learning

a. Scientific and technological innovation and future industry

Song Jinlin


Wu Jia, Ma Benjiang

Development of sports competitive platforms based on the Internet and big data

E. Cultural and creative and regional cooperation

Xing Shaohong


Li Meng, Duan Guihua


Communist Youth League Zhongnan University School of Computer School

April 1, 2022


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Contact information: seabet sports betting seabet app download 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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