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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: April 03, 2022 17:00

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Topic:"Looking for me, hug me"

Activity name: Micro -film work contest of mental health works

two,Theme explanation

   Social rapid development,The world is becoming increasingly complicated。We are college students,Facing realistic problems and future choices and needs,I often feel confused and anxious,I don’t know where the road is,How to solve the problem,Looking for self -worth,Recognize yourself,Sorting the psychological state of confidence,Not decadent or discouraged。How to make your mind seabet casino review more seabet mobile seabet online sports betting fulfilling and beautiful,How to make yourself experience happiness and happiness。Need us to find ourselves,Hug yourself,Leave a clear sky for your psychology,Create a light for your future。

 Looking for me,Hug me,Let us learn to know ourselves,Evaluation Self,Be good。

3. Event hosting and undertaking unit

Event Organizer: Mental Health Education Center of College Students in Zhongnan University

           Zhongnan University University Student Psychological Assistance Federation

Activity organizer: Psychological Mutual Assistance Meeting of the Business School of Central South University

Activity Association: Psychological Mutual Assistance Association of the School of Computer School of Central South University

Event official website: website website

Event official WeChat platform: Zhongnan Xinyuan、Hearts help small biscuits、Sound of the business card

Event officialQQ: Zhongnan Xinyuan、The Psychological Mutual Assistance Meeting of the Peer School of Business School、Central South University School of Computer College

4. Participants

All undergraduates and graduate students at the School of Computer, Central South University

5. Activity time

The Date of Receiving of the Works:April 10, 2022

Voting time:April 11, 2022 -April 13, 2022

review time:April 13, 2022 -April 15, 2022

Announced results:April 16, 2022

6. Registration method

After receiving the relevant notifications,Show notification to each class in time, explain the content and requirements of the activity theme

Birth voluntary signing up,YuApril 10Previously, micro -movies, posters, recommendations, registration forms,1 minute and a half video or 15 pictures are packed and sent to the mailbox,The email naming format is "Professional+Class+Movie Name" (such as: Software Engineering 2101 "Find Me,Hug Me ")

7. Work requirements

1) The length is controlled within 8-15 minutes,Basic requirements of film creation,There are basic movie elements;Participating works must be closely surrounded by"Looking for me, hug me"这一主题,Pay attention to the topic related to "mental health" related topics,Show the personal mental health status in real life in the work、Psychological health problems,Guidance viewers pay attention seabet mobile seabet online sports betting to personal mental health related issues,Pay attention to your own mental health

2) The video ratio is 4: 3 or 16: 9,All require mp4、avi、WMV、mpg and other network universal formats,The resolution must not be less than 720 × 576p (standard clear),Clear screen,Clear sound,Promote the marking subtitles;

(3) Participants team register in class in class,Each participating production team contains at most8 people

eight, Selection method

All participating works adopt a combination of public voting and judges to select the two,Public voting occupation30%,Commission scores 70%。Public voting time from April 11, 2022 to April 13, 2022,The score of the judge group is April 13th-15, 2022。Works of the final score ranking,will get certificates and exquisite prizes,Works of the final total score,It will participate in the school competition on behalf of the college。

Nine,Selection Standard

1) Content topic:

Following psychological contestThe theme of "Looking for me, hug me",To convey health up,A positive and optimistic attitude of life for the purpose,To express self -knowledge、Challenge self -main purpose,The content of the work must be related to mental health,Full feelings,Enthusiastic attitude,Content health,Audio Clear。Poetry、The theme of the recitation is not participating。

2) Creativity:

1. Unlimited content,It is enough to meet the theme。Form is creative,Attraction,It has strong observations。

2. The work requires original,Strike plagiarism、Plagiarism of others or online works。If the scene of the work is arranged、character settings、Proper selection、Plot Development、Key dialogue and other contents are similar to more than 40 % of existing people's works or online works.。If there is the above behavior,Once discovery, disqualify the qualifications and all results。At the same time,Welcome all students to report to reveal。

3) Performance:

Participants can participate in single or team participation (limit1-8).Characters seabet sports betting perform naturally,Fully reflect the character's voice,The character relationship is clear,Make the audience easy to understand,The plot is complete and coherent,Legend performance and shooting are in place,Treatment of fine treatment,Make the audience watching the movie smoothly。

4) Technical nature:

1. Editing:Dubbing works usemp4、avi、WMV、mpg and other network universal formats,Resolution must not be lower than 720x576p (standard clear),Video size 4: 3,Clear screen,Sound quality without loss,Works must be marked with subtitles。Have a certain aesthetic consciousness and level.

2. Sound effect: The theme of which can be appropriately rendered to express micro -movies,Table scene scene connotation,With artistic expression,Sublimation content,Enhancement effect,No noise to win the Lord,Not abrupt,Give people imagined space。

10. Award settings

Hospital award

First Prize (2): Bluetooth headset

Second Prize (3): Bluetooth speaker

Third Prize (5): Mini Fan

Outstanding Award (16)seabet mobile : Desktop inspirational ornaments*2

Contact person in the hospital:

Contact1: Chen Liangyi    QQ: 1449055411     Tel: 17720838658

Contact2: Luo Qiang      QQ: 2874469889     Tel: 18738643937

Contact3: Peng Qinglan      QQ: 1624667125     Tel: 19977598973

Central South University School of Computer Academy Psychological Assistance Federation

2022YearApril 2

  • Common system:
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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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