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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: April 03, 2022 17:01

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The complicated moments of life linger around us,As information interaction is becoming increasingly developed,We are surrounded by various messages、Wrapped in fast -paced,With the torrent of the times, I continue to run around,But forgot to stop thinking about your own way。The idealized life defined by the eyes,What seems to be good、What is not good and has been portrayed clearly、Definition clear,What life do we yearn seabet app download seabet mobile for? What do we yearn for ourselves?,The real voice of your own belongs to your own sound disappear。We follow the current,No longer thinking。

But is this a world、Facing the attitude of life? Each of us is a unique flower,Blooming in your own attitude,The era of openness gives us independent personality、Free lifestyle,What we should do is to make our own unique voice from the times,Not only explores life,Explore yourself inward,Do not care about the various definitions of the outside world,Yue Na Self,Accept the real self。

2. Activity theme and activity name

Theme"Looking for me, hug me-Comic Work Contest

Activity Name: Photography of Psychological Health Works· Painting Works Contest

3. Event hosting and contractor:

Activity Association: Psychological Mutual Assistance Meeting of the School of Computer School of Central South University

4. Participants

All Students at the School of Computer, Central South University,Registration in the class as the unit

5. Activity time:

The Receive Date of the Hospital Tournament:April 1, April 15Day1200

6. Registration method

Psychological committee members of each class after receiving relevant notifications,Show notification to each class in time,Explain the theme content and requirements of the event,Students voluntarily register for the competition。Psychological members of each class will work statistics form、The work of the player and the participation registration form summarize the compression package form,YuApril 15Day12: 00 pointsSend to the

The following content should be in the compressed package:

1) Statistics form.

2) Works summary。Drivers and pages are opened in two folders。Works should be named after [School-Academy-Number-Name-School Number Comic Works] format (such as: Zhongnan Gui'an 01 XX8210 ... Comic works)。

3) Summary of the Registration Form。The registration form is summarized in a folder,It should be seabet mobile named after seabet casino review the [School-Academy-Number-Name-Scholarship Comics Registration Form] format (such as: Zhongnan Zi'an 01 three 8210 ... Comic registration form)

The naming format of the compressed package is"Summary of Class Class Comic Works"。(It is necessary to ensure that the work is indeed created by myself,Once discovered falsification,Cancel the qualification of the game)

7. Work requirements

1. The work requirements are original,Content health specification,Positive upward;

2. The storyline of the work should be coherent,Character、The lines are clear and obvious;

3. The form of the work isPage Man, the length is3-6 face, color/black and white is not limited, and the painting style is not limited.After the work is completed, it needs to be spliced ​​into a form of form;

Specific requirements:

The form of the work isPage Man,Cover charts need to be drawn,The cover map needs to be marked with the name of the work、Author information (XX Academy XXX, XX University). Working spaceNo less than3 sides and not more than 6 sides, color/black and white is not limited, and the painting style is not limited.

② Electronic manuscripts should be usedA4 specification canvas to draw。The picture file is jpg format,Resolution 200dpi-300dpi,RGB color mode。Hand -painted manuscripts should be drawn with A4 specification paper,Scan the original manuscript into a picture file,File standards with above。Separators can be freely designed,As shown in the figure below。

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After the work is completed, it needs to be spliced ​​into a form of form,As shown in the figure below:

   (That is, the work needs to have a pages of pages and strips. (One work,two forms),Cover charts need to be drawn,The cover map needs to be marked with the name of the work、Author information)

Other requirements

1. Participating in the evaluation work involves problems such as portrait rights,The author is responsible for itself,The organizer does not bear responsibility。

2. Participating works will not be refunded once they are hired,The organizer enjoys the right to use free use,The creator reserves seabet online sports betting seabet sports betting the right to sign the signature。

3. All participating works must be original,If the phenomenon of plagiarism is found,Cancel the eligibility。

8. Selection method

Score rules:

Rating items

Score Standards


30 points)

The content is positive, and the meaning of the work clearly expresses the theme of the event


30 points)

The proportion of the picture structure is proper,Hook line is naturally smooth,Light and shadow coloring harmonious


20 points)

The theme is clear, the expression is clear, the plot is coherent


10 points)

The composition of the division is full, the layout is proper


10 points)

The intention is novel, uniquely conceived

9. Award settings

Hospital awards

First Prize (2): Bluetooth headset

Second Prize (3): Bluetooth speaker

Third Prize (5): Mini Fan

Contact person:

Contact1: Peng Qinglan QQ: 1624667125 Tel:19977598973

Contact2: Jane Ruoqing QQ: 3304244691 Tel:18207770597

Central South University School of Computer School of Psychological Assistance Federation

April 20212Day

  • Common system:
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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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