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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: May 10, 2022 18:25

Each class and group branch of the college:

To the school"College Student Labor Education Month" call,In -depth implementation of the "Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of Education Evaluation in the New Era"、"Central Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaThe State Council's Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education of Elementary and Middle Schools in the New Era "and other related requirements,Active advance"Five Nuchanges",Comprehensively strengthen the labor education of students in the new era,Promote diligence among seabet mobile students、seabet online sports betting Struggle、Innovation、Dedicated labor spirit,Cultivate students' correct labor values ​​and good labor quality,Our hospital special organization to carry out the theme class meeting of labor practice、Theme group day activity。Now2022 Central South UniversityComputer AcademyCollege student labor education monthActivityArrange notifications as follows:

1. Activity theme

Let youth shine in labor

2. Event object

Each class and group branch of the School of Computer, Central South University

3, activity time

May 2022

4. The main content and form of the event

(1) The main content of the activity

1. "Glory of Labor" -The concept cultivation Leading Series Activity

Through a special lecture、Publicity of theoretical publicity and other labor knowledge preaching,The keynote speech、Skills Competition and other party groups theme education,Craftsmen in the big country enter the campus、Alumni Interviews and other labor model exchanges,"One Day of ordinary workers" video selection and broadcast and other ways,Leading students correctly understand the value of labor creation、seabet casino review Create seabet app download wealth、The truth of creating a better life,firmly establish the most glorious labor、The greatest labor、The greatest labor、The most beautiful ideological concept of labor。


"Diligence" based on the handling of personal life affairs of students,Requires to consciously do personal and bedroom hygiene,By formulating a labor convention、List of labor task lists,Combined with the creation of a civilized bedroom、Dormitory Cultural Achievement Exhibition、Labor Interest Training、"Labor Master" evaluation publicity and other activities,Guide students to form a good daily labor habit,Putting labor habits、The development of labor quality integration into the growth of self,Promoting the development of excellent personality。

3. "Enthusiastic Dedication" —— Volunteer Services Social Welfare Labor Series Activity

Services around social、Rural revitalization and other topics,Relying on the volunteer service team and base of the school,Actively encourage the organization of students to participate in voluntary seabet app download explanations、seabet mobile Pengie Supplement、Volunteer consultation、Love Family Church、Volunteer services such as green campus creation、Social Welfare Activity,Carry out the Western Plan of the West of the West in combining college student volunteers、"Sanxiangxiang" social service practice at the two levels of the school,Promote the establishment of a group of public welfare labor education practice projects,Strengthen students' sense of social responsibility、Public service consciousness and active dedication spirit。


Open the establishment of campus production labor practice garden,Carry out a variety of forms of production labor practice; rely on school designated points to help Jianghua、Alumni Production Enterprise、Street community services and other work,Establish a practical experience base for foreign workers,Organize students to go deep into the field、Workshop Factory、Street Park,Development of agricultural production、Hard labor experience and perception activities such as industrial production seabet mobile and urban seabet sports betting services,Guide students to feel the hardships of labor and the happiness of harvest,Enhancement to get sensing、A sense of accomplishment、Honor A sense。

5. "Creation of Creation" —— professional practice creation innovation series activities

Focus on professional practice,Promote the combination of scientific research education and labor and education,Guide students to carry out training combined with majors、Experiment、Invention creation and other professional labor practice,Support students to participate in scientific and technological innovation competitions、Creative labor such as innovation and entrepreneurship practice,Stimulate students' innovation and creativity。

(2) Activity form

Labor practice activities will be carried out in the form of theme class meeting or theme group day activities in each class and group branch of the college,The theme of the event is in line with"Labor Glory"、"Diligence"、"Enthusiastic Dedication"、"Labor Practice" and "Top Innovation"。Each class and the Youth League seabet casino review branch seabet casino review can be freely played on the basis of the planning of the college、Free Organization。

Various forms of activities,It can include the laborer concepts such as opening deeds leading the classroom,Organize the selection of a civilized bedroom、Labor experts and other labor habits to develop classroom,Labor skills such as knowledge contest and other labor skills enhancement class,Public Welfare Labor、Labor experience, etc. can be opened for rural revitalization and labor experience agricultural classroom、Urban Development Labor Service Community Classroom and Industrial Manufacturing Labor Creation Workshop Class,and labor practice cloud classrooms and other forms。

5. Work requirements

1. Pay attention to.Each class and group branchPay attention to the work of labor practice, actively dig outThe theme of the theme class, the theme of the group day activities, the developmentHave professional characteristics,ClassFeatured labor education brand activities.

2. Organize carefully. eachClass、League support seabet online sports betting seabet online sports betting according to the establishment of the class、Topic theme of group day event,Organize students to actively participate

3. Strengthen summary. eachClass, Youth League BranchAccording toClass Meeting, Regiment DayThe activity is carried out, summarized in time,canRelying on the website, the new media platform, etc. to strengthen publicity reports, and inJune5A few days ago,Class Meeting、League day activity summary material submitted to the Mailbox of the Youth League Committee of the School of Computer



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