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Notice Announcement

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  To actively respond to the construction of "learning in the Central South",Serving students' extra -curricular life,Create a good atmosphere of mutual assistance,Promote "Dedication、Friendship、mutual assistance、Progress "excellent spirit,seabet online sports betting The Academic Development and Service Center of the School of Computer Science will continue to carry out a series of academic assistance and guidance activities,Create a communication for students,mutual assistance,Platform of common progress。Now recruiting supplementary school volunteers from the whole hospital,I hope that those who are willing to register enthusiastically。

1. Object -oriented

All students of the School of Computer

2. Selection conditions

1) Actively promote and practice the core values ​​of socialism,Follow the Constitution and Law,Model Executive Executive School and College's various rules and regulations,No violations of laws and discipline。

2) Excellent academic seabet sports betting performance,Ranking of weighted grades before school30%or the score of single subjects is extremely prominent.

3) Strong labor concept,With a sense of dedication,Love academic counseling、Working together,With sufficient time to participate in the auxiliary science activities,Master the efficient learning method of specific courses,Can follow the law of learning and experience rich experience in knowledge points。

4) Good expression ability,Logic,Have good personal quality and cultivation,Can solve the problems raised by the students patiently and carefully,Being able to clearly clarify the work center。

Three, Course Classification

1) Public Basic Course : High Mathematics、University Physics、Linear algebra、seabet app download Probability theory and mathematical statistics, etc.

2) Professional course: Simulation electronic technology、Digital electronic technology、Discrete Mathematics, etc.

3) Others:PSOffice, time management, academic planning, etc.

4. Event content

Recruiting Auxiliary Volunteers,Improve students' academic level,Provide necessary knowledge guidance for students in doubt for academics,Enhance students' enthusiasm and consciousness of learning,At the same time, promote better growth and development of outstanding students,The learning atmosphere of self -help mutual assistance。

5. Activity process

1) Student submitting auxiliary scholarship recruitment form

2) Qualification review.

3) Interview and trial lecture.

4) Publicity and list of hires.

6. Organizational process

On the basis of meeting the selection requirements,Students can take the initiative to apply to join the Auxiliary Volunteer Team。The selection process is:

1),Publishing Recruitment Notice。

2) Students submit the recruitment form of the Auxiliary Volunteer.

3) Qualification review.

4) Interview and trial lecture.

5) Publicity and list of hires.

6) System identification.

Seven, Reward Measures

Auxiliary Volunteer is within the service period,Good performance and long service time,You can enjoy the following rewards:

1) Auxiliary Volunteer Employment and Volunteer Service Certificate.

2) Extra -curricular research credits。According to the "Administrative Measures for Undergraduate seabet mobile Extramaginal Research (China University of China[2011]No.) File Description,Students participate in young volunteers activities,The service time of one semester for more than two weeks can be trained for external research credits1points/Issue. References for up to two weeks of service are implemented.

3) Going out and learning、Social practice opportunities。Internal internal teams carry out group auxiliary group construction activities,Recommended Auxiliary Volunteer Volunteers to other universities or regions to participate in academic counseling and social practice activities。

eight, apply for registration materialsandDelivery address

Material delivery

Tel:18109487980 QQ: 2502065090

Administrative Consultation Group of Auxiliary Volunteer seabet sports betting Volunteer School of Computer Academy: 702815711

 Academic Development and Service Center of Computer School of Central South University


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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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