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Notice Announcement

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Source: Student Work Office of the School of Computer School of Central South University Click: Time: December 05, 2022 17:24


seabet sports betting Each grade, class, counselor, class instructor:

The final exam of the student is approaching,To promote the school style、Costustible style、Correct test wind,Academic counseling before the test, help andBased on the exam work,Should do the final exam、Integrity Education,Eliminating exam fraud phenomena,The relevant matters will be notified as follows:

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Each grade and class should actively do a good job of integrity, self -discipline, discipline, abide by rulesPropaganda Education,Students carry out solid and effective seabet sports betting educational guidance,Do the following work:

1.Actively do a good job in integrity and welcome the exam。Do a good job of signing the promise of students' integrity。

2.Create a good atmosphere to welcome the exam, useA variety of formsHold"Integrity Education" special meeting,Organize students to watch the "Integrity Education Promotional Video",Learn the "Central South University Student Examination Rules" and "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of Student Students of Central South University" and other relevant institutional seabet mobile documents,Combined with cases to do a good job of warning education,Be sure to do not miss a shift、Don't miss one person。

3.Counselor and class instructor before the testWantDeep StudentDormitory, for multiple door -to -door subjectsDifficulty in schooland other focuses on caring for students to make individual conversations,Pressing pressure and examination discipline publicity before the testEducationCombination,Educational guidance to students in a targeted manner,Precautions for prevails。

2, other precautions

1.Grade、Class to supervise students' scientific scientific work、Carry out mutual assistance, mutual learning, mutual help, and academic fixed orientation tutoring activities,Work hard to improve the quality of the examination。

2.Examination process issued by the Ministry of Industry and Industry of the Ministry of Industry,Please be sure to forward to every student,Constantly strengthen warning education。

3.For students' violation of disciplinary behaviors, the regulations of the punishment in strict accordance seabet app download with the student manual,Grade should start the procedure of disciplinary treatment in time,Report the violation of discipline in the grade,and ask students to do their own self -examination in the class,Carefully do subsequent processing and tracking assistance work。

4.Please counselor、Class instructor to do a good job in the education work of integrity and education work,If there is a student test violation of discipline,The Student Work Office will start the work reversing mechanism。

                                                                    Student Work Office



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