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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: May 29, 2023 23:30

seabet online sports betting In -depth study seabet casino review and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Learn and implement the 20th spirit of the party,Consolidation and deepening"Don't forget the original heart、Keep the mission in mind "theme education and party history learning and education results,Study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education for Xi Jinping's new era,According to "Notice of the Study on Holding seabet online sports betting seabet mobile Central South University for studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics.,ScripturesReport、seabet mobile Expert review、The college party committee is approved,A total of the following award -winning works,The selection results are now publicized。

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Lai Huamei "Because I believe So see "

Zhou Qingzhang "Young Never Limited Growth at the time "

Second prize:

Song Xiaomeng "Dongfeng Jiao Blows the New Era New Articles of Rural Revitalization "

Liu Zexing "Red Boat Show the beginning New Gong of the Job "

Zuraiati ""Three Beauty" is a magic weapon for unity and struggle "

Third Prize:

Chen Yujia "Always follow the party Endeming New Journey

Liu Zhengjie "Drive by innovation, help Chinese -style modernization"

Gentle "Learning Thinking Thinking Through Passing Unification of Zhixinxing "

Liu Yeti Ding Yuhan "seabet sports betting Strengthening Modernization Construction Talent Support"

Outstanding Award:

Chen Yunpeng's "Amendment to the Party Constitution"

Li Xinyu "Study forward Flazing new merit— Take Academician Chen Xiaohong as an example to deepen the study and practice of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics "

Zhou Ying "The Pursuit of Happiness: Xi Jinping's New Age Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics Leads the People's Beautiful Life"

Zhang Ye "Xi Jinping's new era"View of Youth" "

Qiu Huiyan "Practice Perseverance Forward for the People "

Wang Tian and "Learn the Spirit of the Twenty Reports"

Li Yinan "Thinking of Scholarship Unification of Zhixinxing "

Publicity time2023yearMay29Day to31Day

If there are any objections during the publicity period,Can be reflected to the college party committee,Provide the necessary evidence materials。

Contact Address: College Comprehensive Office of the College (Computer Building307)

Contact number:0731-88879335


The Committee of Computer School of the seabet online sports betting seabet mobile Central South University of the Communist Party of China


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Contact: 0731-88836659: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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