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School Headquarters

1958Year: The Department of Mechanical and Electrical Department of Zhongnan Mining and Metallurgy Institute,Electrification and automation of industrial enterprises、Electronic and other majors

1970Year: Establishment of the Department of Automation of Zhongnan Mining and Metallurgical College,Establish an electronic computer undergraduate major

1978Year: The first batch of computer applications in China began to recruit graduate students

1985Year: The Department of Computer Science, Central South China University of Technology

1995Year: Original Automatic Control Engineering Department、The Department of Computer Science and the School Computing Center merged and set up the School of Information Engineering, Central South China University of Technology

1998Year: The post of "Yangtze River Scholars" specially appointed professor of computer science and technical disciplines

2000Year: The School of Information Engineering is renamed the School of Information Science and Engineering;Demonstrate granting of a doctorate degree in computer application technology

2001Year: Computer science seabet sports betting and technology are rated by key disciplines in Hunan Province;

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Xiangya Campus

1984Year: The former Hunan Medical College of Mathematics and Medicine and Research Office organized the establishment of the Electronic Computer Room of Hunan Medical College

1987Year: Establish an electronic computer center,Teaching of the basic computer of the school、Development of application software inside and outside the school、Research on Computer Application Technology

2002After the year (2000year,Merge of Three Schools) Adjustment of the Department of College,Former Hunan Medical University Electronic Computer Center merged into the School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University

Railway Campus

1976Year: The railway transportation department is set up with automatic control,Calculation Center established, set up automation majors

1978Year: Establishing computer software professional,Automatic control professional renamed industrial automation

1981Year: Establishing the Department of Electronic Engineering

1992Year: Establish a communication engineering major

1995Year: Recruiting students of the first power supply engineering seabet sports betting seabet mobile and computer application majors,and change the original electronic electronics major to application electronic technology

1996Year: Merge

2002Year: Former School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South China University of Technology,Former School of Information Engineering, Changsha Railway Academy、Calculation Center,Former Hunan Medical University Computing Center merged and set up the School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University

Merge of Three Schools

2002Year: Former School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South China University of Technology,Former School of Information Engineering, Changsha Railway Academy、Calculation Center,Former Hunan Medical University Computing Center merged and set up the School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University

2003Year: Establishing computer science and technology (software engineering) professional,Computer Science and Technology Post -Doctoral Research Stations

2004Year: The approval of the Ministry of Education was approved to establish the National Demonstration Software College of Central South University (Trial Office)

2006Year: Get the right to get a doctorate degree in the computer software and theoretical doctorate

2007Year: Central South University National Demonstration Software Academy is independent and passed the acceptance evaluation of the Ministry of Education;

2008Year: Computer science and technology are approved by national characteristics;

2010Year: Establish an IoT engineering major and get a national characteristic major,The right to grant the doctoral degree of seabet mobile seabet online sports betting the first -level discipline of computer science and technology

2011Year: The right to grant the doctorate degree of seabet mobile seabet online sports betting the first -level discipline of the software engineering,Zhang Yao academy as the president of Central South University,President of the Discipline of Computer Science and Technology

2012Year: Software Engineering is approved by the key discipline of Hunan Province,Approved software engineering post -doctoral research flow station

2015Year: Establishment of Information Security and Big Data Research Institute of Central South University

2016Year: Establish data science and big data major

2017Year: "Medical Big Data Analysis Theory and Applied Discipline Innovation Innovation Base" was selected as the country "111"Plan

2017Year: Computer science and technology in the fourth round of discipline assessment of the Ministry of Education was rated asA-State Engineering Laboratory of Medical Big Data Application Technology;

Institutional reorganization

2019Year: Reorganization of the School of Information Science and Engineering and Software of Central South University,Establish a School of Automation seabet casino review and Computer;,University of Computer School; Software seabet sports betting Engineering is selected into the first batch of first -class professional construction points in the country

2020Year: Computer Science and Technology、Information Security is selected into the national first -class professional construction point; computer science is selected for the country2020Annual Basic Disciplinary Student Training Plan2.0

2021Year: The discipline of computer science enters the first timeESIGlobal1‰ Discipline

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