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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: June 02, 2023 10:06

forDrawing"Five Old" personal experience、Witcher、The advantage of the practitioner,Tell the majority of young students to tell the party and the people's cause seabet sports betting of the party and the people's cause of the party and the people.,Education inspires young students to be ideal in the new journey、Dare to take responsibility、Can suffer hard、A new era of willing to struggle5month24Day, Computer AcademyHold"Read China" andThe last lesson of the graduate party memberTeaching activities, activitiesIn the Information Building108The lecture hall was held, lectured by Mr. Tang Jianhua.

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The agenda of the meeting is divided into three items,Secretary of the Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Computer Committee of Central South University, Shi Jianquan, Xiang Xiang2023Graduate Party Members to graduate message,I hope that students seabet app download can forget their original heart after graduation、Keep in mind the mission,Combining the Chinese Dream with personal dreams,Improve personal cultural quality and political literacy,Don’t forget the alma mater,The future is like a brocade。

Then Mr. Tang Jianhua was the last party lesson before graduating from the party member of the graduates,Theme is"The story of my 50 years in the party",In class,Teacher Tang's story of joining the party、Disadvantage of losses、Love Sheng love、Four aspects of the party school teacher shared our own entry process to the party,Send a messageGraduate party members maintain humility、Quit arrogance and irritability,Study seabet mobile in the future、In work and life,Keep in mind the beginning of joining the party,Yong Ying's responsibility of party members,During the future growth journey, you can keep in mind your alma mater's cultivation and care for yourself,Give back the alma mater,Work hard to do"You are proud of Zhongnan today, and you will be proud of you tomorrow."

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Comrade Ge Jiaxin representative of the graduates of the four branches of the student2023Graduate party members speak,She reviewed her process of joining the party for two years and the ideological change and practice harvest since joining the party,Push yourself and others, and live with graduates,I hope to learn in the future、Combining theory seabet casino review and practice in life and work,KeepImprove the cultivation of party spirit,Ability to improve work enthusiasm and solve difficult problems,Efforts to become an excellent Communist Party member。Both the mood of looking up at the starry sky,Have a down -to -earth determination, firmly believe"Spring planting a grain of millet,Autumn Harvest 10 Ten Thousands of Seeds ",Each journey of my life calmly and steadily。

Water flowing year, timeMay all graduatesThrough this"Last Section" party class activities,Keep in mind the identity of the party member,Enhance the responsibilities of party members,Actively play a pioneer role,Dennisive becomes the newcomer of seabet casino review the era of the rejuvenation of the nation to let youth bloom gorgeous flowers in the place where the party and the people are most needed!

AuthorGe Jiaxin

First trial: Zhou Qing

Second Trial: Wu La's hope· Bartel

Third trial: Shi Jinjing

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