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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: June 07, 2023 09:01

June1DayAfternoonOn the afternoon of June 2, computerCollege at Central South UniversityScience and Education South Building305 classroom, new campus information building report hall,Railway AuditoriumThree gamesDevelopment"The first buckle of the first buckle" graduateIntegrityEducation lecture.ComputerCollege undergraduate2019 and seabet mobile Graduate seabet app download students 2020 All students participate。

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Computer SchoolParty CommitteeSecretary Chen Zhigang、Dean of the Big Data Research Institute Long Jun、Deputy Dean of the School of Computer School, Shi JinjingYita"The first buckle of the first buckle" is the theme,I took a deep integrity education course for students。From the glory of the mission、Rich connotation、Learn and major responsibility in the four aspects: interpretation,For graduatesDian Ming's burden on the shoulders,Inocular vaccination"Anti seabet online sports betting -Corruption Revoors",Help forming a clean value concept、Establishing a clean behavior specification,Firmly in the future job to abide by the law、Maintenance fair、Guardian justice、Determination of anti -corruption refusal。I hope that graduates will do in the future study and work:Planting patriotic feelingsPracticing the dedicationStruggle for Youth

When studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education in the new era,ComputerCourtDevelopment"seabet mobile The first buckle is fastened by the first buckle"IntegrityEducation,Hope graduatesBefore facing the challenge of the strong wind and waves,To establish the correct worldview、Outlook on Life、Value,Think of mind,Ming Dade、Defense morality、Yan Private,Clear innocence、Clean and clean,The first buckle of the buckle is buckled.。

Writing: Wu La's hope· Bartel

First instance: Wu La's hope· Bartel

Second Trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Shi Jinjing

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