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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: June 07, 2023 09:05

History is the best textbook and the best sober agent.2023Year is the birthday of Comrade Mao Zedong130Anniversary,To study and implement the 20th spirit of the party,Deep understanding Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Deepen the study and education of party history,6month3Day,Some party members and reserve party members of the First Party Branch of the School of Computer, Central South University51People go to Shaoshan to carry out theme education party day activities.

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Come to Shaoshan, the party members of the branch first go to Chairman MaoMemorial HallFeel the course of Chairman Mao's different stages of life in the memorial museum。From a youth"Children are determined seabet mobile to leave seabet mobile the countryside,Can't learn from the name of learning。"" "怅 廓,Ask the vast earth,Who is ups and downs? "In the middle of the age," Xiongguan Man Dao is really like iron,and now walk from scratch。"" "If there is love in the sky, the sky is old,The right road is vicissitudes。"Last twilight years back to Shaoshan,"How many ambitions are sacrificed,Dare to teach the sun and the moon for new days。"Chairman Mao's poems run through his life changes in his life,It also shows the charm of Mao Zedong's thoughts。Each part of the comrades of party members at Chairman Mao,Can't help staying for stay,Feel that era,Feel seabet sports betting seabet sports betting the huge shock that the great man brings to us。

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After that,Party members of the branch to the former residence of Chairman Mao,Place where Chairman Mao once lived and struggled。

Last,Comrades go to the bronze statue square,Dedicated the flower basket to Chairman Mao andTall Mao Zedong's Comrade Mao Zedong Bronze Statue in the top three bow,Express the respect and reflection of the great leaders of the Chinese people。After the memorial service is over,Facing the bright red party flag,The party members of the branch raised their right hands and clenched their fists,Revisiting the party's oath with enthusiasmwords,seabet mobile seabet mobile The beginning of the party's intention to join the party promised to always always be the true colors of party members.Slowly surround the bronze statue for a week,Feel the vicissitudes of vicissitudes brought by the chairman at that time,Feeling the hardship of a happy life。

This theme party day event is a vivid party education,It is a deep baptism of thought。Remind the comrades of the party membersIt is necessary to take the revolutionary ancestors as an example, do not forgetCome on the way,In the future, work hard to learn professional knowledge、Do a good job of theoretical research、Be a good Marxist communicator,seabet online sports betting Fight for ideals、Dare seabet online sports betting to take responsibility、Can suffer hard、A new era of willing to struggle。

Writing: Dong Hangcheng

First trial: Liu Yifeng

Second Trial: Wu La Wan· Bartel

Third trial: Shi Jinjing

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