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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: July 06, 2023 10:37

Promoting the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education in the new era.,Efforts are learning to cast souls、seabet mobile seabet sports betting Learn to increase wisdom、seabet app download Learn to righteousness、Real results in promoting dryness,Further education and guide all graduate students to abide by academic ethics、Promoting excellent learning style,July 5, 2023 at 3 pm,Member of the Party Committee of the School of Computer、Vice Dean, Professor Zhao Ming, lectured in Room 414 of the Electronic Building to teach integrity theme education party lessons,Graduate Student 11 Party Branch all party members participating in party learning。

In classProfessor Zhao MingFirstLeading all the participants learned on the theme of graduate academic integrity and academic norms,Analysis and cause of academic incidents and scientific seabet mobile seabet sports betting research dishonesty,and seabet mobile introduced the specific way of dealing with academic misconduct。He"Measures for the prevention and treatment of academic incompetence in higher education universities"、"Measures for preventing and dealing with academic misconduct in Central South University""Interpretation of the Related Policy Related Policy of Central South University"The key entries in documents and other documents were interpreted.Later, heEmphasis,Scientific research integrity and study style construction is an important guarantee for scientific research in colleges and universities,It is an important factor related to whether the seabet mobile seabet sports betting school can develop healthy and rapidlyScientific seabet app download Research Discord、Academic misconducting behaviors departs from the only scientific spirit of seeking truth,Severe injury to scientific researcher innovation enthusiasm,Damage to the academic ecological environment of the school,Affecting the healthy development of science cause

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Finally,Professor Zhao MingI made a summary speechShare the combined exampleHeUnderstanding of academic integrity and academic norms,HeI hope that party members can always abide by the original intention of academic integrity while struggling for the realization of their personal gallopes,Keep sticking to the bottom line of the post at all seabet casino review times,Keep in mind moral requirements seabet mobile at all times,Create a positive, healthy, harmonious and innovative atmosphere for the college for unremitting efforts。

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GraduateelevenParty branchwillContinuous developmentThemeEducationActivity,Further strengthen the integrity consciousness of all party members,Education guides all party members to abide by academic ethics and academic integrity,Practicing the excellent quality of clean and honest,Efforts to learn and think about it、Uniform,Refine party nature、Guidance practice、Promoting work,True to learn soul with learning、seabet app download Learn to righteousness、Learn to promote dry,Effectively seabet app download promote the transformation of seabet sports betting theme education practice。

Writing: Ding Yuhan

First instance: Shi Leihong

Second Trial: Wu La Pan Bartel

Third trial: Shi Jinjing

July 5, 2023

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