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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: November 13, 2023 17:06

    To promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics, the theme of education is deeply practical,Further study and implement the 20th spirit of the party,Strengthening patriotism education,Planting patriotism,November 12, 2023Central South University School of ComputerAllUndergraduateParty branchUnionDevelop "Light and shadow casting soul -casting strong party spirit, hard work and forge aheadThemeRed movie viewing activities,Organization allUndergraduateWatching movies for party members"Volunteer: male soldiers attack

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    The movie "Volunteer: The Johnsamatus Attack" is in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China,New China is facing"Internal and Outside" situation seabet online sports betting seabet mobile is the background,It tells the war in the War of Resistance to the United States and Aid North Korea,Revolutionary ancestors faced the disparity enemy forces,But I still go to the fire,Vision death,After two years and nine months, the bloody battle has won the great victory of the War of Resistance to the United States and aid the DPRK,The heroic song of the strong mountains and rivers compose,Created the glorious model of weak victory in the history of human war。

    After watching the movie,ComradesOne after anotherSaid, this movie viewing activityLetThey have more deeply appreciated the great and selfless dedication of the volunteer heroes,FurtherThick plantingtheir patriotism and responsibility consciousnessTo better fulfill the responsibilities and mission of party members, further enhanceStudent Party Branchcohesion and combat effectiveness.

Writing: Cai Changlin Wu La looking forward

First trial: Zhou Qing 菡

Second Trial: Liu Zhenzhen

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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