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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: March 25, 2024 09:43

Call in response to General Secretary Xi Jinping's in -depth development of Lei Feng activities,Deep learning the connotation of Lei Feng's spirit in the new era,Let Learning Lei Feng activities inherit and develop among college party members,On the afternoon of March 24,CalculationStudents of the School of Mechanics seabet mobile Sixth、The Seventh Party Branch jointly carried out the "Lei Fengyue" Special Party Day event -Visiting Activity of the Leifeng Memorial Hall of Hunan。

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After arriving at the Lei Feng Memorial Hall by car,The branch party members collectively took a group photo in front of the Leifeng Memorial Hall of Hunan。Later, under the leadership of the interpreter,Start visiting the Leifeng Memorial Hall of Hunan,Learning Comrade Lei Feng’s ordinary and seabet app download great life。After the explanation is over,Dear comrades seabet casino review are free to visit and learn,Deeper experience the connotation of Lei Feng's spirit in the new era 。

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After the visit,Student Shengtong Sheng Tong said: "The spirit of Lei Feng will never be out of date,In the new era,As a college student party member,I want to promote the spirit of Lei Feng,Practice people、The original intention of serving students。"Student Zhou Yulu, a member of the Seventh Party Branch, said:" Comrade Lei Feng'seabet casino review s life is moving,I want to work hard to see him,seabet app download Make a never -rust screw。”

Lei Feng spirit,Everyone can learn; Lei Feng deeds,can be done everywhere。Computer Student seabet mobile Sixth、The Seventh Party Branch will deeply keep in mind the connotation of Lei Feng's spirit,Give play to the leading role of party members,Fall Lei Feng's spirit into life,New vitality given to the new era to the spirit of Lei Feng!

Author: Sun Huadong

First instance: Song Xiaomeng

Second Trial: Liu Zhenzhen

Third trial: Song Xiaomeng

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