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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: April 15, 2024 10:07

On the morning of April 12,The Party Committee of the School of Computer School held a special meeting of party school work,Secretary of the Party Committee of the College、pointsParty School President Zhao Xiaoxia,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the seabet sports betting seabet sports betting seabet sports betting College、Vice President of the Party School Wang Xinhui and all staff of the College Party School attended the meeting。


The meeting focused on a special research on the annual work plan of the Party School of the School of Computer School。Secretary Zhao Xiaoxia emphasized at the meeting,The Party School is a school that the Communist Party of China to carry out the theoretical education of party members and cadres,Research and propagating Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the seabet app download seabet mobile new era、The important position of promoting the party's ideological and theoretical construction,The Party School of the Computer College must continue to promote the standardization of party school work、institutionalization、Scientific,Improve management efficiency,Improve the training effect of various training classes。

The meeting made a special deployment of the 49th of the Central South University of Central South University and the 18th development object training course.seabet sports betting seabet sports betting seabet mobile ,At the same time, discuss the difficulties and problems in the construction process of the college school school.,Guiding opinions and improvement measures for the next step。

This conference is a comprehensive sorting of the college's party school work,Help further build a strong college in the party school。

Author: Li Bin

First instance: Liu Zhenzhen

Second Trial: Xu Ning

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, seabet sports betting seabet sports betting Changsha City, Hunan Province

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