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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: April 15, 2024 10:10

3 pm on April 14,Central South University's 49th Entering Party Protection Mission Training Course and 18th Issue Development Object Training Course for Computer School opening ceremony was held at the new campus information building 108。Secretary of the Party Committee of the College、Zhao Xiaoxia, seabet mobile President seabet app download of the Party School,Executive Deputy Director of the Customs Working Committee、Shi Jianquan, Secretary of the Party Branch of Organization and Industry,Full -time organizer Liu Zhenzhen attended the ceremony,285 students from the party activists and the 18th development target training course at the 49th issue of the party attended the ceremony。The ceremony was chaired by the class instructor Yuan Yi。


The first item of the ceremony,All standing,Singing the national anthem of the People's Republic of China。The opening ceremony kicked off in the exciting national anthem song of all teachers and students。


Ceremony Item 2,Secretary Zhao Xiaoxia delivered a speech。Secretary Zhao expressed heartfelt congratulations seabet mobile and warm welcome to the students seabet casino review participating in this training course,At the same time,Three hopes and requirements for all students: First, the soul of ideals and beliefs,If you are unwilling to follow the party; second, we must deepen the foundation of theoretical learning,Found new highlands of thought; third, promote the ambitions of rewarding the country and the country,overcome difficult mission。She has high hopes for the trainees of this training class,Hope students can systematically learn the theoretical knowledge of the party,Building ideals and beliefs。On the new journey in the new era,As a computer student, you must exercise your professional skills hard,Excellent talents needed by the country,seabet online sports betting Taking Outstanding Communist seabet mobile Party members as examples,Integrate personal "ego" into the development of the country、Among the "Big I" of the People's Happiness,Houzang "selfless" family feelings,Choose the burden of the times,Struggle,Write youth chapter。

Ceremony 3,Outstanding Party Member representative Tian Zichen speaks。In speech,Tian Zichen encourages everyone to cherish valuable learning opportunities with personal experience,Carefully learn to understand the theoretical knowledge of the party、Correct motivation to join the party,Along with outstanding party members,Efforts to ask yourself with the standards of party members,Strong Party's spiritual beliefs,Internalization in the seabet sports betting heart、Externalization。

seabet sports betting Ceremony fourth item,Development Object Training Class Student Zhang Renju, representative。Zhang Renju, on behalf of all the students, said that they must live up to the eager expectations of the party committee of the college,Keep in mind the original mission,Promoting the spirit of hard work,Believe in Xingxing,Gan Yu dedication,Unremitting struggle,Incorporate personal ideals into the cause of the party and the country,Contributing to its youth for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

Last,Teacher Liu Zhenzhen, a full -time organizer, introduced and explained in detail the management regulations of this training course,Guide students follow the management seabet app download regulations seabet online sports betting of training class,Carefully fulfill the obligation of students,I hope that all students will learn、Applicable to apply,Strive to grow into a qualified Communist Party member soon。

Writer: Zhang Ruilin

Photography: Zhang Ruilin

First instance: Liu Zhenzhen, Yuan Yi

Second Trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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