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Dynamics of Party Construction

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Source: Click: Time: May 16, 2024 16:18

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission,Take the opportunity to study and implement the new revised disciplinary punishment regulations,seabet online sports betting seabet mobile Carry out a centralized discipline education in the whole party。Students at the School of Computer School of the Sixth Party Branch actively respond to the Call of the Party Central Committee,Carried out a series of party discipline learning and education,Strive for new improvement in consciously obeying and maintaining the party's discipline。

May 12,Students at the School of Computer School of the Sixth Party Branch launched the theme party day of the "Learning Regulations and Corporate Corresponding Party Member" on the A203 of the Century Tower of the Railway Campus,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College、Discipline Inspection Commissioner Wang Xinhui attended the event and seabet online sports betting seabet app download made a guidance speech。

The branch secretary Song Xiaomeng lectured on party discipline learning special party lesson,Explanation of the Overview of the Regulations、Revised process、Main content,and combined with specific warning cases,Alert all party members based on the case,Alarm bell long ringing。

Subsequent,The party members of the branch watched the party style and clean government warning education film "The" post -90s "cadre of youth"。Secretary of the branch warned all party members,As a young party member, we must strengthen their ideals and beliefs,No matter what kind of job jobs are in the future,All must be guarded by the party's rules and party discipline,As a seabet online sports betting seabet casino review qualified party member。

Party members of the branch to discuss the content of party discipline learning content,Party members contact the experience of party discipline learning,One after another stated that it is necessary to engrave the rules and regulations in the heart,Internalized to daily and unknown words and deeds。

Last,The branch carried out the knowledge test of the "Regulations on the Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China",Party members answer questions carefully,Self -test of the effect of party discipline learning,Check the lack of knowledge on knowledge。

Deputy Secretary Wang Xinhui, deputy secretary of the college party member, and party members of the branch friendly communicated and sent a saying: Strictly seabet mobile request seabet casino review yourself in accordance with the "Regulations on the Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China,To continuously improve the practical ability in learning,Actively play the role of the model of party members in the masses,Really achieve "a party member one side flag"。

This party day activity strengthened the deep understanding of party members' discipline,Students at the School of Computer School of the Sixth Party Branch in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's teaching,"Comprehensive and strictly governing the party will always be on the road,The Party's self -revolution will always be on the road ",The branch will continue to strengthen the interpretation and training of the Regulations,Deepen understanding and use,Let the party members seabet app download wake seabet casino review up、Ming bottom line、Awe of Awe。

Author: Song Xiaomeng

First trial: Zhou Qing

Second Trial: Liu Zhenzhen

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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