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Source: Click: Time: May 19, 2024 14:57

May 16, 2024,All faculty members of the Teaching and Experiment Center of the School of Computer School of Zhongnan University carried out the theme party day activities of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China"。The meeting was chaired by the branch secretary Zhou Cheng,All party members of the branch participated,College Party CommitteeMember Chen Xianlai participated in the event and guided.

The first item of the seabet mobile seabet casino review meeting,Learn from the branch seabet app download secretary Zhou Cheng。Secretary Zhou led the branch party members' guidance ideas for the Regulations、New regulations、The writing structure of the "Regulations" is explained,and the general rule,Divisions and the key provisions in the attachments to lead one by one。Subsequent,The party member of the branch carried out the original book、Learning of words and sentences,and conducted exchanges and discussions。

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Chen Xianlai Vice Dean to do learning guidance,He emphasizes studying seabet online sports betting the "Regulations"、Deepening the "Regulations" understanding seabet online sports betting is the top priority to carry out party discipline learning and education。Learning "Regulations" can make party members understand what can be understood,What cannot be,What must be。Where,What "can" provide science for the majority of party members、Reasonable behavioral specifications,What "cannot do" provides qualitative discipline standards for punishing violations of discipline and violations,What "must be for" need to be the courage to take the courage to take the seabet mobile courage,Promoting the role of the combat fortress of seabet sports betting the Party Branch of the Experimental Center,Work of the experimental center,Serving the majority of teachers and students,Improve students' hands -on ability。

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Through this study,All teachers in the center have a deeper understanding of the behavior of party members,means that we will continue to strengthen learning in the future,Discipline of the Strict Party,The spirit and requirements of the Regulations are conscious,Always be loyal、Clean、Responsibility。

Written: Qin Zihao

First trial: Zhou Cheng

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Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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