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Source: Click: Time: April 19, 2024 11:48

In order to thoroughly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and education of party discipline learning,Solid the study of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China",According to school work deployment,Computer College launched the deployment of party discipline learning and education as soon as possible。

morning on April 17,The School of Computer Council held a party committee,Drives the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and education of party discipline and education、The spirit of the meeting seabet online sports betting of the Leading Group of the Central Party、"Notice of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the implementation of party discipline learning and education in the whole party" and the "Implementation Plan for Central South University on Carrying out Party Disciplinary Studies and Education in the whole party,Review and approve the "Party Discipline Study and Education Work Plan",Research and launch the deployment college party discipline study and education。Conference emphasized,To grasp the target requirements accurately,Improve the accuracy and effectiveness of party discipline learning and education。The first is to focus on learning focus,Study and implement the "Regulations on the Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China"。The second is to focus on the problem -oriented,Presuctage from comprehensive strengthening seabet online sports betting warning education to see the results。Third is to focus on the work of the center,Practice the effectiveness of the main business of the main responsibility。


In the afternoon of April 17,The college holds the deployment meeting of party discipline education and education。The meeting was chaired by the Party Committee Secretary of the College,Participants of all branches attended the meeting。

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will be on it,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College、Disciplinary Inspection Commissioner Wang Xinhui Leading Learn General Secretary Jin Ping's important speech on party discipline and education and the spirit of the relevant documents of the superior。He emphasizes that leading cadres and comrades at all levels of the college must seriously learn the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the important instructions of the Party seabet mobile Central Committee,Effectively unify the thinking and action to the Party Central Committee's decision -making deployment,High -quality development of party discipline learning,Make sure solid results。


Subsequent,The Party Secretary of the College Party Committee Zhao Xiaoxia is deployed by the college party discipline learning and education。She emphasizes,1 is to accurately grasp the target requirements。To further improve political standing,Deep understanding of the significance of party discipline learning and education,Further enhanced political determination、Disciplinary determination、Morality、Resistance to decision。The second is to promote the implementation of tasks solidly。Personal self -study、Concentrated learning, etc.,Adhere to the original study,Promote the Regulations into the mind。By carrying out various forms of warning seabet app download education,Let the party members、Cadre the police awakened、Ming bottom line、Awe of Awe。Through cultural cultivation、Special Education、Pay attention to publicity, etc.,Strengthen interpretation and training,Deepen the "Regulations" understanding and use。The Democratic Organization Life Meeting of the College Leadership Team and the Party Branch Organization Life Meeting,Check it carefully、Insufficient check、Effectively grasp the implementation of rectification。Third is to effectively strengthen organizational leadership,Strengthen coordination and coordination、Liech up and down、Pressing responsibility、Focus on effectiveness,Persist in grabbing both hands and two promotion,Connect the results of party discipline education and consolidation and expansion theme education results,and the work efficiency seabet online sports betting of strengthening the college、Implementing the fundamental task of Lide Shishi、Strengthen the construction of the teacher team,Promote the high -quality development of schools with the effectiveness of party discipline learning and education。

Author: Li Bin

First instance: Liu Zhenzhen

Second Trial: Xu Ning

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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