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College News

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Source: Click: seabet casino review Time: May 06, 2024 10:38

seabet mobile To further unify the mind and clear the goal,morning on April 30,Computer Academy Hold a meeting of middle -level cadres at the college at 313 of the computer building,Deployment and Arrangement of Recent College Key Mission。The dean of the college Li Min chaired the meeting,Director of various departments (center) deputy director、Director of each office、Secretary of the Party Branch attended the meeting。

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Will on the way,The Party Secretary of the College Zhao Xiaoxia cooperates with the school's party committee inspection work、seabet online sports betting Party discipline learning seabet mobile and education work、Basic training of teachers and students and students、Recent party committee work in the party committee of the college,Key deployment。She emphasizes,All faculty and staff must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,In -depth study and implementation of comprehensive and strict party work requirements,Improve the position,Correct attitude,A proactive mentality,The style of seeking truth from facts,Resolutely complete and implement seabet online sports betting the school、The work requirements of the party committee seabet mobile of the college,Promote the high -quality seabet online sports betting development of the college。

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The dean of the college Li Min deployed the administrative work of the college。She emphasizes that students should do a good job of care and care for students,Especially for helping graduates high quality、Graduation thesis and graduation design at a high level,All members participate、Integrated resources、Masters to help students make key requirements for employment。

Later, members of the college leadership team conducted work arrangements on key matters in their seabet casino review own separation fields。

seabet online sports betting Meeting last,Secretary Zhao Xiaoxia emphasized that the work tasks of the college in 2024 are important and arduous,Long span cycle、High quality requirements。She asks all faculty employees of the college,In particular, comrades of party members must unify their thoughts、Improve the position、Make the difficulties and go up,Strictly follow the requirements of the party committee deployment of the college,Do a good job of doing a good job,pioneering and aggressive、Study forward,Unremitting efforts for the high -quality seabet online sports betting development of the college。

Writing: Li Bin

First trial: Xu Ning

seabet sports betting Second trial: Liu Zhenzhen

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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