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Source: Click: Time: May 06, 2024 15:11

The "Sublimation Cup" college student entrepreneurial plan competition is sponsored by Central South University,Large -scale school -level competitions hosted by the School League Committee Student Science and Technology Association,It is also a trial for the "Challenge Cup" competition in the country and the province。Zhongnan University has successfully held many "sublimation cups" extracurricular academic science and technology works competition and entrepreneurial plan contest since 2002,Two competitions alternately alternately。

2023year12month1Day,The Youth League Committee of Central South University issued the "Organization and the 16th Session of Central South UniversityThe pre -profile of the "Sublimation Cup" College Student Entrepreneurship seabet app download Program Competition ",Computer AcademyPutting on the preaching mobilization、Works selection and training series activities。Filtering by experts、Final Answers,After more than two months of fierce competition,This session"Sublimation Cup" ended successfully.

Computer AcademyLong -term attention to the cultivation of students' ability to innovate and entrepreneurship. In this year"Sublimation Cup" work,The Party Committee of the College attaches great importance to,Hold a special party and government joint meeting to study and deploy related work,Special funding for special funding for the selection of the council and the in -court reward。Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the CollegeChen SiyuTeacher as the teacher"Sublimation Cup" competition organizational full -time teacher,Organizational college orderly development project declaration、Selection and training work。

The college actively organizes mobilization,Create a strong innovation seabet sports betting and entrepreneurial atmosphere,seabet app download Provide strong support and guarantee for the participating teams and instructors。

1. Hold a lecture to actively mobilize the college students to participate in the "Sublimation Cup" Entrepreneurship Plan Competition,Research on the "Sublimation Cup" College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition on the college website。

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The picture shows the hospital"Sublimation Cup" lecture scene

2. Organize the selection of hospital -level selection for the "sublimation cup" competition

After reading the report and attachment materials of the innovation and entrepreneurial teams,Demonstration of the person in charge of the project,Teacher ask questionsetc.Form Selected10Project team,Among them, five project team recommendation school games,Five project team cultivation,and put forward targeted improvement opinions on the problems existing in the participating teams,Putting public announcement。

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The picture shows the publicity of the selection team on the hospital network

3. The work of the school -level review of the "sublimation cup" competition was conducted.

seabet sports betting To improve the quality seabet mobile and level of participating works,The foundation of the college's organizational force on the project of each project、Innovation、Must and feasibility is fully demonstratedHold online, offline training meetings, competition guidance meetings5 gamesCollegeThe "Sublimation Cup" trial and the school competition preparatory guidance meeting specially invited "Internet+" competition expert Wang Hua、Han Lei,Professor Han Haisheng at the Yibi Hospital,Professor Chen Mingshu of the Business School、Associate Professor Zhu Buxi,Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Computer School Zhao Xiaoxia、Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Wang Xinhui、Associate professor Fei Hongxiao,Wang Nan, a 2020 undergraduate student at the Business School, attended the meeting and served as the on -site judge。The meeting pointed out the problems currently existing in the application forms of various teams,seabet casino review and analyze item by item for seabet app download reporting materials for each team、Make suggestions。

Picture isComputer StudiesCourtyard TentheightThe Sublimity Cup Tournament and School Tournament Preparation Guidance Meeting

ComputerStudents in this yearThe performance of the "sublimation cup" entrepreneurial plan is outstanding,Elected by our hospital5PieceAll achievements, and it created4Xiangjin Award,aSilver Award for the Silver Award.


Picture isComputer StudiesCourtDetails of the winning works

"Heaven and Earth Thai Djiping Beawood Thick,He Feng Yan Run Youyou。Folding Xingui,Do not take the lead and never take a break。”Computer AcademyPay attention toInnovative talent trainingPromoting the spirit seabet app download of innovation and entrepreneurship in the student group deeplySpring is getting better and confident.This session"Sublimation Cup" Entrepreneurship Plan Competition "4GoldaSilver"excellent results fully showComputerThe vitality and style of the innovation and entrepreneurship of teachers and students, highlightsICourtThe results seabet app download of innovation and entrepreneurship awareness training and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements,It also demonstrates the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education、PromotionNew achievements of the construction of "Three Education".

Author: Zhou Qingzhang

First instance: Chen Siyu

Second Trial: Shi Leihong

Third trial: Wang Xinhui



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