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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: May 08, 2024 09:30

The 34th CCF-CSP certification of the China Computer Society will be held on June 2, 2024。CSP certification uses on -site test、Online evaluation mechanism,Students can learn the results of the submission in real time,This helps candidates to better play the level。CSP certification A total of 5 questions,100 points per question,Programming language allows the use of C/C ++、java and python。seabet mobile The relevant matters are notified as follows:

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From now until 24:00 on May 26, 2024

[Certification Time]

June 2, 2024 (Sunday) 13: 30-17: 30

[Certification Registration Process]

Click → Enter "Registration" → "Login" → Registration Test (fill in the registration information、Choose the certification agency nearby) → pay the fee → wait for the review and pass → wait for allocation test room → print the admission ticket (you can download the admission ticket for 3 working days before the certification) → participate in the certification → download transcript (generally one week after the test)。

[Toll Standard]

Our hospital CCF certification registration point,Student registration fee 50 yuan。

Paying fee when registering this certified student,At the end of the year, the eligible students are subsidized according to the college funding policy (unregistered members,Subsidant registration expenses will not be subsidized)。

【Simulation Exercise】

CSP Registration System Free Real Questions Online Test,Register CSP system,Login System,Click "Registration Exam" → "Simulation Exam",can practice online。

[Consultation, answering question]

I encountered problems during the registration process,Please contact the staff of the CCF CSP certification center,Email:。It is recommended to use email,and try to describe the consultation question in detail in the email and leave your mobile phone number and name、ID number,To solve the problem as soon as possible。


1. Be sure to pay attention seabet sports betting to this test as a professional CSP certification,Mainly college students,Not CSP-J/S,Not an informatics competition。

2. Those who have participated in CCF CSP software capacity certification can directly log in to the CCF professional qualification certification website ( with the original login account number and password,Participants must register and ensure the correct information。

3. Please try to sign in the test room address marked on the admission ticket before 13:00 on the day of the exam (must show valid identity documents at the time of sign -in); after 14:00, you must not enter the examination room;。

4. At the time of the exam,Paper materials (including books、Print material、handwritten material, etc.),But no communication tools are allowed、Storage equipment (U disk、Event hard disk, etc.)。Mobile phone, etc. with communication functions,Must be shut down and placed outside the test room。Candidates cannot interact in any way after the test。

5. After the authentication is over 5 working, you can log in to the website to view the final transcript,and directly print the red official seal transcript。

6. Cheating processing: In addition to the inspection of the authentication, the authentication site,CCF will send inspectors to check the authentication points。In order to discover the phenomenon of cheating in the CSP certification,During the evaluation process,CCF CSP Technical Committee will adopt two or two comparisons,Compare the source order of all seabet app download the participants,If the source program is found, there is similar or similar phenomenon,The results will be canceled and publicized; if there is any cheating in the authentication point、Plagiarism and other behaviors,Authentication monitoring staff did not stop and give punishment in time,The certification point of the university where the university is located will be banned and announced on the official website of the CCF (publicity period: 7 days)。

7. This test can be continuously updated in the external test point information,Please pay attention to the follow -up notice of the official website。

8. If you have any questions or encounter any problems during the registration process,Please send an email to,Relevant staff will provide you with consulting services。

[CSP Certification Instructions]

1. Signing unit:

Signing Enterprise: Huawei、Baidu、Alibaba、Tencent、360、Microsoft、Kingdee、Intel、Boyan Technology、Boyan Technology、Salmon、Didi Chuxing、Calculation Office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences、Yushu Technology、Netease Youdao、Sogou、Ping An Technology、Byte beating、Competitive World、Xiaomi、iQiyi、Qi Anxin、Lenovo、Lianbao Technology、Ant Group、Shell Find a house、New World、Quick Hand、Zhihu、parallel technology、Ningde Times, etc.;

Signing College: Tsinghua University、Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics、University of Defense Technology、Peking University、Harbin University of Technology、Shanghai Jiaotong University、seabet casino review Huazhong University of Science and Technology、University of Electronic Science and Technology、Sun Yat -sen University、Xi'an Jiaotong University、Renmin University of China、Tianjin University、Shandong University、Hunan University、Nanjing University of Technology, etc.。CCF is promoting certification to universities and enterprises across the country。

2. Certification results application:

The universities that have participated in the certification have high recognition of CSP certification results。Tsinghua University、Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics、Peking University、University of Defense Technology、seabet casino review Huazhong University of Science and Technology、Tongji University、University of Electronic Science and Technology、Shandong University、Nanjing University of Technology、Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology、Chongqing Post and Telecommunications University、Hunan University、Hefei University of Technology、Shenzhen University、Shandong University of Science and Technology、Northwestern University of Technology、Suzhou University、Shanxi University、Yunnan University (the rankings are not divided), etc., etc., etc., all of them are recognized by CSP certification results in different ways,Among them, including:

(1) CSP certification scores as postgraduate re -examination results;

(2) Including CSP real questions in "Programming Practice Course",As an elective course,For all majors for electives;

(3) Incorporate CSP into the teaching plan,Performance of Innovation credits;

(4) CSP certification scores as evaluation scholarship、One of the conditions seabet app download for insurance research;

(5) CSP certification scores as postgraduate graduation thesis questions。

CSP certification industry has become an important standard for measuring the design and software programming ability of colleges and universities。CCF will also recommend students with excellent certification scores to Huawei according to the needs of the certified certification、Baidu、Ali、Tencent、Microsoft、360、Intel and other signing companies。

3. Certification object:

(1) Students from computer and software -related majors,or other majors who are interested in software programming in the school。

(2) The first -tier technical personnel and technical manager of the workplace and IT industry。

4. Certification content:

Mainly covered the design program design of university computers and software related majors、Data structure、Algorithm,and related basic knowledge of mathematics。

Programming language allows: C/C ++、java and python。

5. verification method:

The certification is all adopted by the on -board programming method,The programmed program obtains the corresponding score after passing a given data test within a limited time space。A total of 5 questions,100 points per question,Total score 500 points。From the first question to the fifth question,Difficulty progress in turn,The certification time is 4 hours。

6. Simulation exercise before certification:

To make the participants familiar with the certification operation environment,Reduced the loss caused by operation errors,Authentication website provides analog practice environment,After seabet casino review registration, you can practice。Students can do previous real questions,Operation steps: After registering account login, click "Registration Authentication" → "Simulation Exam",After seeing the list of test questions,Click "View Test Questions/Answer",Copy the written code to the answer bar for the answer bar.。System supports online evaluation。

Another,( There are two articles on the website of the website to guide how to do questions: "CCF Software Certification Certification on the Machine Guidance Book" and "Software Ability Certification Precautions and Example Description",It can be used as a problem -solving reference。

For other matters, please refer to the official website,The official website link

Central South University School of Computer

May 8, 2024

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