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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: May 08, 2024 15:35

According to "Central South University AboutNotice of the Test of Re -Evaluation and Admission of Doctor of Graduate Students in 2024 "and "Central South University2024 Recruitment of the notice of doctoral students with orientation of the counterpart support college,Study Decision of the Admissions Working Leading Group for Graduate Students,Special Formation of Central South University School of Computer2024Divine Admissions Evaluation Work Plan for Power Support Special Plan。The specific content is as follows:

1. Organization

(1) Leading Group for Graduate Admissions Work

College Graduate Admissions Work Leading Group,Responsible for formulating the specific plan for re -examination and organizing implementation,Guide expert assessment seabet mobile team to seabet casino review conduct specific assessment work。Expert Retevation Group is responsible for implementing specific assessments。

Group  Long: Lee  Min

Deputy Leader: Zhao Xiaoxia, Huang Jiawei

Group   Member: Wang Xinhui, Zhao Ming, Zeng  Feng, Xia Jiazhi, Feng Qilong

(II) Admissions and Political Performance Evaluation Team of the College Graduate Students

College graduate enrollment ideological and political performance assessment team is fully responsible for the assessment of candidates' ideological and political performance。

Group  Long: Zhao Xiaoxia

Deputy Leader: Wang Xinhui

Cheng Member: Members of the Leading Group for Graduate Admissions Work、Interview expert

(3) Reporting and material review

1, time: May 202410Day8309:00

2. Location: Computer Building of Computer School of Central South University311-2

3, assessment work

(1) Assessment method:

Use offline interview methods.

(2) Time arrangement:

1. Psychological health test:May 202410Day900-1000

2、Interview assessment:May 202410Day10001025

(3)Location arrangement:


seabet sports betting (4) Settings of the assessment team

seabet app download Set the ideological and political performance assessment team according to the content of the assessment content、Professional ability examination and comprehensive quality assessment team。

(5) Assessment content:

Evaluation content includes3Acts (Foreign Language Ability Test is a written test score of the Graduate School): Assessment for ideological and political performance、Professional ability test、Comprehensive quality and ability assessment (including mental health test)、The assessment level of ideological and political performance is"Qualification" and "Unqualified",The assessment is not qualified and will not be accepted; the qualified scores of professional ability examinations and comprehensive quality and ability assessment are 60 points,Single assessment results are not qualified and will not be admitted。Psychological health testing level is "Qualification" and "Unqualified",Test failure will not be admitted。

1、Ideological and political seabet online sports betting seabet casino review performance assessment: The content of the assessment mainly includes the political attitude of the candidate、Thought performance、Learning (work) attitude、Moral Quality、Compliance with the law、Human quality and behavior、expression and etiquette、Psychological conditions and other aspects。

2、Professional Ability Exam (100 points in full scores): Professional ability test is based on the characteristics of the discipline and professional knowledge structure and literacy requirements,Try to use comprehensive、Open ability test questions。

3、Comprehensive quality and ability assessment (100 points in full score): comprehensively examine the comprehensive quality of candidates,Including the way of understanding the degree of understanding and analysis of the development of discipline development and solving problems,The potential and innovation ability of scientific research work independently、seabet app download expression seabet casino review ability、Writing ability、Literature reading ability, etc.。

Evaluation method is interview,The results are jointly evaluated by the interview group and mentor。Comprehensive quality and ability assessment results= 50%× instructor score+ 50%× Expert group results。

4、Psychological Health Test: Test for online machine,The test content of the test is SCL-90 and 16PF.,Test time is about 30 minutes。

Candidates test process: Login website → Enter the system (the user name and initial password will be notified separately) → candidates check and modify their personal information based - Participate in the evaluation → After the completion, submit the test paper to display "Submitted success" (only the test can only be done once,Can't repeat the test)。

4Consultation, complaint acceptance

Consultation, complaint acceptance phone:0731-88879609,Contact: Teacher Lei。

Central South University School of Computer


Annex1:Participate in the assessmentCandidates List

Candidates' name

Candidates number

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Application instructor

Liu Huixuan


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Computer Science and Technology

Wang Jianxin

  • Common system:
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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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