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Notice Announcement

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Source: Click: Time: May 19, 2024 16:28

In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 20th spirit of the party,Give full play to the role of the "main channel" of classroom teaching and education,Continuously improve the effectiveness of the course educating people,According to the school union's work arrangement seabet app download in 2024,To welcome the 12th "Thirty Best" classroom teaching competitions of the 12th University of Central South University。The School of Computer Decision to host the 2024 "Thirty" classroom teaching competition,Promote teaching with the race,Stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers to study teaching skills、Promote the improvement of the teaching quality of the college。The specific notice is as follows:

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To strengthen the leadership of the trial event,The leadership group of the teaching contest was jointly established by the college trade union and undergraduate teaching office,Composition as follows:

Group Chief: Zhao Xiaoxia Li Min

Deputy Leader: Zeng Feng Wang Xinhui Xia Jiazhi

Member: Wang Lei Song Hong Qi Hongjie Xu Ning Li Meng Qin Zihao

2. Time and place

Time: 1:30 pm on May 22

Location: Computer Building 313 Conference Room

3. Participation requirements

1. Participants。Comply with the National Constitution and Law,Implement the party's educational acupuncture,Consciously practicing the core values ​​of socialism,With good ideological and political quality and cultivation of teachers and morals,Entering first -line teaching work。

2. Teachers who have won the "Thirty Best" in the last two sessions are not allowed to register for participation。

Four, the competition method

Experts from the review team on the spot according to the scoring standard,Real -name system one by one。The score is based on the notification document of the 12th "Thirty Best" classroom teaching competitions of Central South University:

Annex 5: Competition Rules (specify the scoring standard,The only difference between the rules of the seabet casino review school is: due to time limit,The lecture time of each person in our hospital is shortened from 15 minutes to 10 minutes)

Annex 6: Preliminaries Score Standard (specify the scoring rules for lesson plans and courseware)

Annex 7: Final Score Standards (Standardment of Class Rules for Classroom Teaching)

5. Commendation reward

1. The first prize of the competition setting、Second prize、Several three prizes,The results of the competition are announced on the official website of the college after approval by the college competition leading group,Commendation and rewards after no objection。

2. Set 1-2 excellent organization awards。Selection conditions: Department (center) attach importance to,Teacher participation is wide,The player's competition seabet sports betting has a good results,Organize the number of young teachers to observe more people。

7. Other matters

1. The union group must attach great importance to,Actively strive for strong support from the department (center),Effectively grasp the work of all aspects of the competition。

2. Each union group must actively mobilize young teachers to participate in teaching competitions,At the same time, give full play to rich teaching experience、Teachers with high teaching level "pass、Help、Belt "function,New Belt and New,Help young teachers improve the quality and level of classroom teaching 。

3. The participating teachers should deeply understand and practice the concept of "take a good course",Flexible teaching according to the content of the curriculum teaching。

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Trade Union at the School of Computer, Central South University

Undergraduate Education Office of the School of Computer Academy

May 19, 2024

  • Annex [Annex .docx] Downloadtimes

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