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Source: Click: Time: April 03, 2024 16:08

Report Time:April 20247Day (weekDay) morningStart at 10 o'clock

Report location: Computer building of the school headquarters313

Report topic: Single seabet sports betting cell horizontal analysis of the dynamic effect of antitumor drugs

Report Abstract: Jesitabin is often used for pancreatic tube adenocarcinoma (PDAC),However, chemotherapy resistance is still a problem for PDAC treatment。Understanding the heterogeneity and dynamic plasticity of the cells is important to overcome tumor resistance。Single cell technology allows the cell state at a specific condition or time point,But how to connect the "snapshot" of tumor cells at each time point into dynamic maps is still very challenging。The research team uses SCRNA-SEQ technology to detect the PDAC heterogeneous transplantation model,Research on complex cell seabet mobile reactions related to Gascibino drugs with research。In order to reconstruct the dynamic response of tumor cells from the disturbance SCRNA-seq data,We proposed the scalable dual -layer model model of scchraph,It can effectively integrate across time context Similar information to calculate cell vector representation,Then it means that space defines cell sub -group、Alignocyte status fate。Based onscchraph,We observed that the characteristics of stem cell characteristics and internal quality network stress have a great contribution to primary resistance。At the same time,Before and after the treatment of Jesitabin,Different seabet casino review modes based on gene differences,Can be divided into cells into cell cycles、Cell cycle type II、Static interest and epithelial intermediate conversion (EMT) type。Further analysis found that Jesitabin will cause GDF15 to increase,Especially in the static Asian group, it is more obvious。Experimental confirmation,Inhibitory GDF15 can increase the sensitivity of tumor cells to Jesitaba,This indicates that GDF15 is a potential target for Gycibin -induced chemotherapy for chemotherapy。

Reporter Introduction: Hibiscus,Department of Automation of Tsinghua University,Long hire associate professor。The key problem of the analysis of the seabet app download regulation of the genetic genetic password and complex system of the research group,Develop new information theory and intelligent technology,Promoting the precision and individualization of diagnosis and treatment of major diseases such as malignant tumors,Already hereNature Cell Biology、Cell STEM Cell、GPB、BioinFormatics and other magazines published more than 50 papers in magazines。The Secretary -General of the Smart Health and Biological Information Professional Committee of the China Automation Society、Executive Member of the China Artificial Intelligence Society Biological Information and Artificial Intelligence Professional seabet online sports betting Committee。Hosted the National Natural Science Foundation Excellent Youth Science Fund、Key project、National research and development plan projects such as national key research and development plan。

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