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Source: Click: Time: April 11, 2024 21:07

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Report location: Computer building313Conference room

Report Title: Animal Robot of Mixed Intelligent Brain Machine


Brain machine hybrid intelligent system that integrates as a biological and machine,Animal robot has a simple system structure、Awareness of perceived sports ability、Low system energy consumption、Good hidden performance and other advantages,It is expected to be applied to the field of small space search and rescue,can also be used as perception-movement nerve mechanism、Research objects and research tools of basic scientific issues such as group collaborative control。Development of brain machine hybrid animal robots,There is "how to adjust the biological brain、How to connect the seabet casino review seabet online sports betting seabet mobile brain machine、How to control the computer "and other questions,Movement behavior regulation mechanism to explore the animal carrier in depth,Continuously optimize the composition of the animal robot system,Solve perception motion regulatory mechanism、Brain machine connection micro system、Mixed intelligent autonomous regulation and other theoretical problems and technical bottlenecks。For the above three research problems,We found the nerve regulation mechanism of direction/speed regulation,Design brain machine connection micro system,Develop independent intelligent regulating rats and robots and bear bee robots,Implement "seabet sports betting seabet casino review Bee Bee Robot Autonomy"、"Rat Robot Drone Navigation" and other verification systems。

Reporter profile:

Zheng Nengqian,Professor of Zhejiang University,The research direction is brain machine hybrid intelligence、Animal Robot。I found the control direction、Speed ​​and other sports behaviors for sports behavior,Develop animal robot control instruction set、Hundred Mg Micro Micro -Plane Connect interfaces、Rat/bee robot independent behavior control framework and other results。As the person in charge, 8 items of the basic research project of animal robotics,Including major project topics of the National Natural Fund、seabet casino review seabet online sports betting seabet sports betting National Key R & D Plan Project、National Nature Fund on the project、JWKJW Innovation Special Economic Zone Project、Zhejiang Natural Fund Outstanding Youth Fund、Key projects, etc.,First/communication authors in nature commit, IEEE TRANS, AAAI, IJCai, CVPR, ICCV, ACM MM, JMEMS and other journals and conferences published more than 100 papers,More than 10 items of authorized invention patents、Software Works Copyright 3,Elected by the National High -level Talent Special Branch of the Organization Department and the Youth Top Talent Project of the Ten Thousand Talents Program in Zhejiang Province,As a team member, seabet mobile he won seabet online sports betting the first prize of Wu Wenjun artificial intelligence science and technology、Top 10 scientific and technological progress of Chinese universities。

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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