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Source: Click: Time: April 18, 2024 11:37

Report Time:April 202419Day (week5Afternoon4Point start

Report location: Computer building of the school headquarters313

Report Title: The empowerment of the supercomputing modelAI Medical Research

Report Abstract: This report will introduce seabet online sports betting the latest progress of the team in the field of artificial intelligence medical research。Use super computing resources and large -scale machine learning models,Dedicated to solve complex problems in medicine,Improve the diagnosis of the disease、The efficiency and accuracy of treatment and prevention。Studies around the three major directions:① multiple methods of a department: at the emergency department of Sun Yixian Memorial Hospital,Modeling of multi -mode data processing technology and field knowledge prompts through knowledge -percerated multi -adjustment,Improve the accuracy and efficiency of clinical decision -making;,ShowAI's potential in precision seabet online sports betting medical care; ③ one data multiple scenarios: use EEG data to study different medical scenarios in different medical scenarios。In addition,The report will also explore with Sun Yixian Memorial Hospitaland the cooperation results of the Guangdong Provincial Society of Breathing and Health,Discussion with the Biological Information Team with Central South University in data sharing、Cooperative scientific research projects and cross -disciplinary training strategies。These cooperation will be promotedApplication and innovation of AI technology in the medical field.

Reporter profile: Wang Changdong,Associate Professor of Computer School of Sun Yat -sen University,Doctoral supervisor,IEEE seabet app download Senior Member,CCF Outstanding Member。 Research direction is graph data mining and application。In the past five years,Post IEEE Trans series journals or KDD and other CCF A conference papers near 100 articles,Among them, ESI high quotes 7 articles。Google quotes more than 6400 times,H-index 40。Hosted the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province-Outstanding Youth Fund、Guangdong Natural Science Foundation-Key Project、National Nature-Site Projects and 16 projects。Research results won the first prize of Guangdong Natural Science Award、Second Prize, etc.,Putting on the ground is applied to Telecom AI anti -fraud、Smart breeding、Corporate seabet casino review technology special commissioner precise docking and other scenes。FingersGuide students won rewards such as the Chinese Electronics Association Excellent Master's Degree Thesis Award。

Artificial intelligence authoritative journalJournal of Artificial Intelligence Research (jair,CCF B SCI) and Neural Networks (CCF B SCI) deputy editor (AE),Big Data Authoritative Journal IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Big Data (TBD, CCF C -Class SCI) Passenger editor (Gueest Editor),The 16th International Conference On Advance Mining and Applications,ADMA 2020) Program Committee President (PC CO-Chair)。Zeng served as Vice Chairman of the CCF Guangzhou Branch (2019.3-2021.3) and CCF-YOCSEF seabet online sports betting Guangzhou Chairman (2020-2021),Now the leader of the working group of the CCF Student Branch (2021.4-2023.4) and the CCF member and the executive committee of the branch of the branch department。

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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