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Source: Click: Time: May 20, 2024 10:52

Time:2024yearMay 23Day morning1000

Location: Computer Building of the School Headquarters313 Report Hall

TitleGeometric Regularizations for 3D Shape Generation.


Generative Models, Which Map A Latent Parameter Space to Instance in An Ambient Space, ENJOY VARIOUS Applications in 3D Vision and Related Domains. A Standard Scheme of the Models is Probabilistic, Which Aligns The Induced seabet casino review Ambient Distribution of A Generation seabet app download Model from A Prior Distribution of the Latent With the Empirical Ambient UTION of Training Instances. While this paradigm has project to be quite successful on images, Its Current Applications in 3D Generation Encounter Fundamental Challenges in the Limited Data and Generalization Behavior. CE Between Image Generation and Shape Generation is that 3D Shapes Posses Various Priors in Geometry, Topology, And PHYSICAL Properties. Existing Probabilistic 3D Generation APPROACHES seabet online sports betting Do Not Preserve These seabet mobile Desired Properties, Resulting in Synthesized Shapes with Various Types of Distortions. In this talk, I Will Discuss Recent Work that Seeks to Establish a Nivetric Framework for Learning Generators. C, Physical, And Topology Priors of 3D Shapes As Suitable Regularization Losses by Developing Computation in Differential Geometry and Computationa l Topology. We will discuss the applications in deformable shape

Generation, Latent Space Design, Joint Shape Matching, And 3D Man-Made Shape Generation.

Bio: qixing huang is seabet mobile an associate propessor with tenure seabet sports betting at the compute department of the universary of texas atxas. The interest of graphics, Geometry, Optimization, Vision, And Machine Learning. He has public more than 100 page leading venues across these area. His Recent Research is on 3d Generation, Focusing on Integrating Domain Specific Knowledge in Geometry, PHYSICS, And Topology, And Learning 3D Foundation Models. He has won an nsf career award and multiple Best Paper Awards in graphics and vision.

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Contact information: seabet app download 0731-88836659: Computer Building, Zhongnan seabet app download University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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