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seabet mobile : Overview and smooth score of the theory of algorithm game theoryAnalysis

Newspaper Cost People: Zhang Jie

Report location:Information Building, New Campus of Zhongnan University535 Lecture Hall

Report time5month24Day morning10:00

Report Brief: Algorithm game theory is a cross -disciplinary field of computer science and economics。 It discusses the strategic interaction between the seabet casino review algorithm between the rational subject seabet mobile and the algorithm that controls its behavior。 This research field aims to design effective algorithms to solve complex games,Analysis of its equilibrium,and compare the advantages and disadvantages between different equilibrium。 Through the merger of two disciplines,Algorithm game theory in auction design、Online advertising and resource allocation has practical applications,Provides effective tools for the decision -making seabet casino review in the resource and environment。Mechanism design is an seabet app download area that designed incentive compatibility mechanisms,Make sure the participants reveal their true preferences and information。This report will outline the research status of the field,Some of the latest progress of my and their collaborators,Focus on the nature of different mechanisms and its approximate ratio。

Introduction to the reporter: Dr. Zhang Jie is currently an associate professor at the Department of Computer Department of the University seabet app download of Bath,The main research field is algorithm game seabet mobile theory,Network Economy,Blockchain protocol,and Multi -Smart Body System。Dr. Zhang Jie now independently undertake the British Engineering and Natural Research CouncilEPSRCandThe levelhulme trustScientific research project,and guide two postdoctoral and multiple doctors。It was a assistant professor at Southampton University,Researcher at Oxford University,Danish Owus University Postdoctoral,And I studied at City University of Hong Kong seabet sports betting and Harvard University。


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