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Source: Click: Time: April 28, 2024 17:18

To enhance the friendship of teachers and students,Improve the physical fitness of teachers and students,Create unity、Sunshine、Struggle for the upward sports atmosphere,"Yueyin Youth" teacher -student climbing competition kicked off on April 27, 2024。seabet sports betting Secretary of the Party Committee of the College、Teacher Zhao Xiaoxia, Chairman of Trade Union,Teacher Wang Xinhui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee,Deputy Dean、Under the support and leadership of Teacher Zeng Feng, vice chairman of the union,A total of more than 20 faculty and staff registered in our hospital,One of more than 50 students,Friendly communication,Along the way forward,Climbing Following Mountain Peak,Yixi Exhibition Vitality。

Chun and Jingming Ri,When climbing the crowd。Although it is the end of April,Changsha weather has gradually become hot,But,This does not stop the enthusiasm of the teachers and students of our hospital climbing seabet sports betting the mountain。Before the start of the game,The teacher and the students performed warm -up campaign,Yue's body shadow shows a vigorous vitality。With Secretary Zhao Xiaoxia announced the official start of the game,The climbing teams composed of teachers and students have stepped into the journey。

Road to climbing,Test the physical strength and will of the players,It also tests the team members' unity and cooperation ability。Fortunately,The beauty of the green onion and the warm companion of the companion,Make the climbing process full of joy。Mountain road steep,The team members remind each other; the steps are easy to slip,Accompaniment support each other。Encourage each other between teachers seabet mobile and students,AC experience,A total of beautiful scenery,Its fun。

After an hour of unremitting climbing,Players reached the top,Although it is a little tired,sweat soaked in clothes,But the face is filled with a brilliant smile that satisfies the happy joy。

Finally, the party committee secretary of the college、Teacher Zhao Xiaoxia, Chairman of Trade Union,Teacher Wang Xinhui, Deputy seabet sports betting Secretary of the Party Committee,Deputy Dean、Vice Chairman Zeng Feng of Trade Union presented awards to the teachers and classmates,At this time this teacher -student climbing competition officially ended。

This mountaineering competition not only inspired the enthusiasm of the movement of teachers and classmates,I exercised my body and will,More promoted teacher -student communication,Recently, the distance seabet app download between teachers and students,Deepen the friendship between students。Mountain climbing scene,Yueyin Youth,I believe that the teachers and students of our college will continue to move forward with the tough will of this mountain climbing,Undertake youth,Blooming Hua Cai,Build a glorious future of our hospital!

Attachment: Teacher Wang Xinhui:

"Peach Blossom Yuan Recalling the Old People*Leading Peak"

Where is the noise of teachers and students?

Yuelu Yingming Cloud Tree.

Flying to the mountain steps,

Ren Khan is as not.

Ascend the peak to look back on the rugged road,

There are countless smiles.

Shadow Chunwen Fu,

It can be comforted.

Copywriter Source: Yuan Yi An Ziyue

First trial: Zhou Qing

Second Trial: Zeng Feng   

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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