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Academic workers dynamics

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Source: Click: seabet app download Time: May 01, 2024 12:05

4month30Day afternoon,seabet casino review A happy birthday song from the Century Building Classroom,Teachers and students of the seabet mobile School of Computer School are using the school time to send birthday blessings to Professor Chen Zhigang of the college。

The Party Committee Secretary of the College Zhao Xiaoxia and his party came to the Century Tower of the Railway Campus,Sending flowers for Professor seabet sports betting Chen Zhigang who was born seabet casino review on the day、greeting card and warm blessing。In the classroom,To express my gratitude to Professor Chen's gratitude,Singing birthday song,Send a warm blessing to Professor Chen!

Respecting the teacher and the way,Ai Yuan Rujia。At this warm and unforgettable moment,We feel the sincere friendship between teachers and students of the college seabet casino review and the emotional bonds of seabet sports betting their family members。May our teachers and students concentric,Unite friend love,Create a more brilliant tomorrow!

Author: Song Xiaomeng

First instance: Xu Ning  

Second Trial: Liu Zhenzhen

Third trial: Wang Xinhui

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building, Zhongnan University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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