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Source: Information Propaganda Center of University Student Science and Technology Association Click: Time: March 10, 2021 21:18

2021March 7th at 2 pm,Computer College 2021 seabet app download University seabet app download Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Declaration and Guidance Conference in the new campusD107Hold smoothly,This meeting was sponsored by the School of Student Science and Technology of the School of Computer。Graduate counselor at the School of Computer、Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Specialty and Disciplinary Competition Management Liu Yifeng chaired the meeting。

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At the beginning of the meeting,Teacher Liu Yifeng made self -introduction,Elaborate the basic situation of the innovation seabet sports betting and entrepreneurship of the School of Computer,Affirmed the previous results of the Computer Academy in innovation and entrepreneurship and the enthusiasm for seabet sports betting the active innovation and entrepreneurship of the students。Teacher Liu follows good temptation,Start with the importance of in -depth learning computers,introduced the current situation of the current social computer industry,persuade students to improve their professional and practical ability,Improve core competitiveness,Realize its own value in innovation and entrepreneurs,Discover your own potential,Pay the way for the future。

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Teacher Liu Yifeng then pointed out,Implementation of national university students' innovation and entrepreneurial training plan aims to promote the transition of education seabet sports betting ideas for higher education institutions,Reform talent seabet casino review training mode,Strengthening innovation and entrepreneurial ability training,Enhance the innovation ability of college students and entrepreneurial ability on the basis of innovation,Cultivate high -level innovative talents that are required for the construction of innovative countries。

Then,Teacher Liu introduced the project level、Classification and corresponding funding amount,Detailed explanation of the application process and application requirements,A outstanding innovation and entrepreneurial project application for innovation and entrepreneurship projects seabet mobile in previous years as a template,Guide everyone how to write seabet online sports betting a project application formHe presence,Innovation is divided into three categories: technology、Business and process innovation,Different categories have corresponding applications,In addition,Good projects should have high knowledge value、High economic benefits、Have the characteristics of positive energy。

Last,Teacher Liu Yifeng expressed his good wishes for students,Hope students do a meaningful thing,Become a better self。With the teacher's sincere blessing,Students have more firm beliefs,Formally start planning innovation and entrepreneurial activities。seabet casino review This innovation and entrepreneurial mobilization conference ended successfully。

Reporter: Wang Manyu Liu Yifeng

seabet casino review Photography: Xu Baoyuan

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