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Source: Click: Time: June 24, 2022 21:30

At 2 pm on June 16, 2022,The "Huawei Partner and Developer Conference 2022 -Intelligent Base Central South University Branch" hosted by the Huawei Intelligent Base Association of Central South University at the School of Computer Intelligent Base Association of Central South University was successfully held on the fifth floor of the information building of our school。Guests attending this event include Ms. Yang Tingting, Director of Huawei University and seabet mobile Scientific seabet sports betting seabet sports betting seabet online sports betting Talent Development Director,Ms. Zhang Mengnan, the development manager of Huawei universities and scientific research talents,Mr. Zhong Haipeng, an expert in Kunpeng Migration Migration Excellent Expert,Professor Wang Chunsheng, Deputy Dean of the Automation Institute of Zhongnan University,Teacher Liu Yifeng at the School of Computer,Student Ma Hongxu, Central South University。

Event first item,Professor Wang Chunsheng, deputy dean of the School of Automation of our school, addressed speech。Dean Wang Chunsheng thinks,Kunpeng computing industry is based on the basic software and hardware facilities of Kunpeng processor、Industry applications and services,Cover from the bottom hardware、Basic Software to the entire industry chain to the upper industry application。seabet sports betting seabet sports betting seabet online sports betting Huawei as a member of the Kunpeng computing industry,Focus on calculation architecture innovation、Development of processors and open source basic software,and Huawei Cloud Service,Dedicated to promote the ecological development of Kunpeng。Dean Wang also encouraged on -site students,Improve ideological understanding,Study related knowledge,Communicate with the front -line experts of the enterprise、Multi -communication,Fully drawn nutrition and improve yourself。

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and then,Ma Hongxu, Central South University, share with his classmates for his participating experience,Its team is based on the "Medical+AI" solution based on Huawei Cloud EI capabilities,Using the "Internet+Medical" service mode of "Cloud Auxiliary Diagnosis+Evaluation+Diagnosis Plan+Promotion Back to seabet mobile seabet app download Visit",Dedicated to help lung cancer patients choose a more suitable treatment plan to achieve better treatment effects。When talking about cooperation with Huawei Cloud,Ma Hongxu said,"The value brought by Huawei Cloud to the enterprise is simple to save time、Save money、Save food、Save effort,Let the company focus on the core business,At the same time, enterprises can rely on Huawei's strong ecology and Lianhua partners to accelerate corporate innovation。”

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Subsequent,Kunpeng Migration Expert Expert Mr. Zhong Haipeng made a keynote speech entitled "Open the Journey to the Kunpeng Developer",Interpret the eighth "Internet+" contest Huawei proposition for the participants of Central South University。In addition,Zhong Haipeng also conducted seabet sports betting seabet sports betting development practice with the students。In the training camp experiments of "Implementing Java Code Migration through Kunpeng Development Kit",Zhong Haipeng took the students to conduct actual combat training,Let students further understand the Kunpeng platform through actual combat。

During the midfield rest, all activists took a group photo.

The last item of the event,Enter the hands -on practice link -sandbox practice,Under the guidance of Teacher Zhong Haipeng,Students actively participate in practice,Explore in practice,Harvest in groping。

Share driving practice,From known to unknown,This event has further promoted school -enterprise cooperation,At the same time, let the students understand the relevant ideological understanding of the company's related seabet sports betting ideas at the same time,seabet casino review Find the direction of future efforts,Stimulated the enthusiasm for learning and exploration in practice,This smart base HPDC activity is successfully ended in Zhongnan University special session。

Author: Shan Jiawei

 Instructor: Liu Yifeng

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