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Source: Click: Time: April 10, 2024 12:51

This website News 4month5Day, international authoritative journal"Nature.Communication "(Nature CommunicationsThe team of Professor Wang Jianxin of Central South University Computing School of Computational School and Luo Feng, the University of Klemson in the United StatesProfessor,Sun Yat -sen UniversityZhongshan Ophthalmology CenterXiao ChuanleAssociate ResearcherThe latest research results of cooperationDouble -doubling body based on long reading (seabet app download Diploid Genome Assembly USING LONG Noisty Reads”。This paperProposed a new method of double -body assembly based on the third -generation sequencing data,and developed the corresponding softwarePECAT.Central South University School of ComputerNie Fan,Ni PengCommon for the dissertationFirst Author, Professor Wang Jianxin, School of Computer, Central South University isThesisCommon communication author,Central South University is the first signature unit。This research is subject to national key research and development plan、National Natural seabet online sports betting Science Foundation、Xiangjiang Laboratory Unveiling List Handsome Project and other projects support。

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The third -generation sequencing technology (Oxford nano -hole sequencing andPacbio single molecule real -time sequencing) has developed longer and more accurate reading,Give new opportunities and challenges to genome assembly research。For the double -body assembly,The third -generation reading still contains high sequencing errors,The assembly algorithm is difficult to distinguish the sequencing error with the differential information of the polarization type,to generate the assembly result of the mixing mixed,It contains a large number of mumbling type switching errors, and lost a lot of genetic information。

For this limitation,Professor Wang Jianxin's team and seabet mobile other teams have been published recently in Nature Communications Research Paper,Differences between the three -generation long reading error and the characteristics of the habits by in -depth analysis,Proposed a long reading number correction algorithm for retaining the differential information of the polymeric type,Avoiding the differential information of the poly conversion type is removed as sequencing errors,It guarantees the consistency of the multivarial difference information,The co -number consistency of the error correction reading can reach 99.4%。Based on this, a two -twice body assembly algorithm based on a partial double clustering class,Realize the assembly results of the mixed mixed assembly in the first round of seabet casino review assembly。In the second round of assembly,Compare the reading to the hybrid assembly results,Identifying the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) information for identifying the read number,Identify the overlapping relationship with the unanimous inconsistency of the hacking type through the local clustering method,The overlapping relationship with inconsistent filtration is assembled again to achieve the multiple assembly results。On multiple test data,The method proposed in the paper PECAT obtained a more continuous haplogy assembly result。Where,On the Bull data of the nanohole R9,PECAT implements the assembly results almost solved by the polarization type。and on the human HG002 sample nanohole seabet casino review R10 data,PECAT realizes the assembly results of a polarized continuity indicator (Phase Block NG50) to 59.4/58.0MB。

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PECAT assembly algorithm framework diagram

First trial: Yu Tao Second Trial: Deng Haodi 3rd Trial: Li Yin

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